Bloody Halloween

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Hero InternShips Day 3, 5:00 PM

On the building of Hosu, Stain, Shigiraki and Kurogiri looked below Hosu.

"Hosu City huh? It looks way more prosperous than I thought." He looked below the city, his face barely readable from his hand. Stain scoffed looking down with him "My Goal is to reform the city of Hosu by sacrificing these fake Greed driven Pro Heroes. The only people who deserve this title are people who've achieved great undertakings." He jumped off, mumbling something in the distance

Shigiraki scratched his neck in annoyance, "That Hero Killer constantly preaching about his goals." Every-time he spat his goals it annoyed him, especially since he could possibly do it. When he fought Stain back in the hideout yesterday, he could feel the overwhelming pressure of his presence "It especially annoys me that he reminds me of that kid.." His neck scratching got more infuriated

"You shouldn't mock Stain's preachings Shigiraki. It has proven to increase your progression in strength, and producing great results overall." This had Shigiraki give a seeming look of intrigue, however he went back to his annoyed attitude "Me and him won't get along if that's what your hoping." He wanted to be-rid of this feeling, what better way was there to let go of anger. By taking it out on something.

"Kurogiri, I need you to summon the Nomu... and for extra measure summon the.."

Kurogiri's eyes widened, "Are you sure Tomura?" Which was received with a nod "Of course." Kurogiri bowed a bit, "I understand."

Shigiraki grinned "Good.."

Back on the grounds of Hosu.

Endeavor and Todoroki had arrived at Hosu City. "Why did you bring us here?" He looked up at his father with curiosity, his father looking back at him as they patrolled "I've been trailing a Well-Known Criminal, The Hero Killer. He's been actually murdering Pro Heroes for Weeks at this point yet has made a big name for himself.. I have been able to trail him here." Todoroki looked at him and nodded "I see. So you wanted to bring me along to help you take him down." Which earned a nod "Of course."

As they walked Endeavor explained more "I wanted to get to Hosu early with you, so we could track him down immediately if we find him."

As they walked around, they saw Children in Halloween costumes. It seems they had came to Shinjuku at a time of festivities; their we're Pumpkin's scattered around the place along with Ghost lanterns, "It seems that we've arrived during a Halloween celebration... I wish Mom and my siblings we're here." Before this internship, Todoroki and Mina had seen their Mother; Rei Todoroki. She was thrown in a mental institution but she wasn't anywhere close to insane, so they we're free to visit.

Endeavor sighed, "I know Shoto maybe we can celebrate it later if you want?" He smiled, however this was met by a scoff "Just because i've acknowledged you as No.1 doesn't mean I am going to forget everything that happened." He sighed "Your right, i'm sorry. We have a goal to focus on anyways."

"Well Well this is a surprise, came to enjoy the festivities Endeavor?" Said a voice from above, Todoroki and Endeavor looked up. "Midnight, Why are you here?" He looked somewhat confused.

"Same reason as you, tracking down the Hero Killer." She turned to see Shoto "I see. You brought young Shoto here too?" This was received by a nod "Yes, I thought he could help track down the Hero Killer with us." She smiled, seemingly not doubting him much "Alright, sure. I trust in his power as should you Endeavor."

Hours Later

The Night was slowly becoming Young, Children trick or treating had started. Hustling and bustling with their parents

"It all seems so nice here.." Shoto couldn't help but smile, everyone seemed so happy and such here. Endeavor smiled too, Children wore costumes like Pro Heroes and such

Everything seemed to be going alright.. until.


A Crash of Glass could be heard as Todoroki and Endeavor looked on in shock, a Train was just broken into by a creature. Thankfully it had emergency stopped as if it kept going with the creature inside it would've fell off the rails possibly

"We mustn't waste time Father!" He flew towards the train, summoning Chastiefol at his side to assist him. Endeavor following suit as he flew up with his Fire.

They made it onto the train, looking around as people had already been killed but it could've been way worst "Another Nomu-!?" This Nomu was gray and had wings to boot; Todoroki was annoyed and wasted no time in believing Shigiraki was behind this wasn't he. He flicked his fingers, Stabbing straight through the Nomu's chest and pinning him against the wall.

"Good Shoto, Now we must focus on keeping the Nomu contained while we get off this Train." Endeavor picked up Civilians and safely carried them off the train and to the ground.


"FATHER! WHATS GOING ON DOWN THERE!?" He ran towards the hole made into the Train, looking out. He met a terrible sight.

Fire a-lit the streets of Hosu, like a Jack-O-Lantern lit up by a Candle. Children and Adults alike we're running away from the Flames and Monsters threatening to show them the true meaning of fear on Halloween Night.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" He forced the Nomu pinned against the wall out of the train, retracting Chastiefol from its body. He flew towards the Burning Street his father in toe

Two Civilians we're being attack as everyone else ran away, thankfully Midnight was still in the city. She had blasted away the other Demonic Nomu is a Powerful Bolt of Electricity "You two must leave here, it isn't safe!" The Two Civilians thanked her and ran off

"Midnight-Sensei! What's going on?!" Asked a bewildered Todoroki as he stood with her back to back, apprehending the other Red Nomu "I don't know! These 3 Nomu suddenly appeared!"

"This could've been the work of the Hero Killer!" Said Endeavor "Or it could've been the work of Shigiraki from the League!" Rebuked Todoroki as he fended off the same Nomu he had just defeated "How did he regenerate so fast-!"

Speaking of Shigiraki, Above the destruction could only smile "Yes.. My 3 Weapons of Destruction. Destroy this place and make everyone forget about Stain by the end of this Night!" Kurogiri looked on curious "Are you not going to join in Shigiraki?"

"I wish I could. However I haven't fully healed from my fight with Stain, so i'll leave it up to these 3 for now."

In an AlleyWay

Stain could hear the carnage from the outside of an Alleyway, "It seems Tomura has made his move." He turned to the Fresh Dead Corpse of Native "This fool stood no chance of beating me." He turned away, planning to take his leave. However he sensed something coming towards him at lightning speeds.

He swung his Katana at the person, knocking them down immediately as well as their Helmet "Wait.. This seems familiar." He then looked at the glasses on the floor "Do I.." he looked up at the person, seeing it was not a Man. But a child at that "Know you from somewhere?"

"How could you forget.. The face of the man you killed!?" The child looked at him with Vengeful eyes as he got up "You took my Brother Ingenium from me! And I came here to take you down in his stead!"

Too be continued.


Hope you guys enjoyed, I think you'll all enjoy what we'll be cooking from here on out. But anyways have a good night and see ya'll around.

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