Calvary Sturggle Finale

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The two looked at each other with an intense look, Iida got in a running stance "I can use my Recipro burst to get the headband, It will be so fast i'm sure he can't rea—" Shoto sighed, "Whole I appreciate the idea, I doubt it'll work. Midoriya is way to fast and strong to actually get caught by that" He thought if anything it would lead them open

It made them worry about possible options, as they simply were at a stand still until.. Midoriya held out his hand burning the vines behind team Todoroki which kept the other teams out as Todoroki then looked on in shock "Tch—!" He created more vines to keep him in "You're not going anywhere!"

"Come on let's go!" Team Midoriya soon ran around as he continuously shot fire to destroy the vines, As soon as they nearly got out, they were stopped by a wall made by Momo "I'm sorry to tell you but Shoto is right!" Midoriya turned "Guys I got a plan! Give me a boost up!" The team looked at him in shock with Tokoyami responding "A-are you sure?!"

"Just trust me!" The team did so as Shoto and his team immediately look at Iida "DO IT NOW!" As Iida looked deep inside himself as he yelled at the top of his lungs "RECIPRO BUUUUURST!" His engines ignited with blue flames as they dash as fast as they could to grab Midoriya

They immediately dashed passed team Midoriya, with Iida looked on "Did you get it!?" As Todoroki looked on his hands "N-No...—"  Iida looked on in shock as he turned seeing Midoriya's team "H-He isn't even there! Where is—" as Iida looked around frantically he was responded with a shoe hitting his head "AUGH what the-"

They looked up "Heya! I'm up here!" Midoriya was floating in the air with his fire at his feet, holding him so he is able to keep himself up "If you want this headband..." He took it off holding it in his hand "THEN COME AND GET IT!"

Todoroki scoffed as he floated up, "Don't mock me!" He got the guardian form of Chastiefol, "This is my power!" The guardian then changed into a giant cyclone of daggers that rotated around the two of them


He looked around as Todoroki charged at him, tackling him to get the headband with Midoriya proceeding to block him by pushing his face away "You're not getting this head band dammit-!"

They squabbled almost comedically as everyone watched, Todoroki put his hand out to grab it, Midoriya shifting his body to the left as he crashed through the daggers as those were the things keeping him stable in the air "AH-"

Todoroki proceeded to switch his Chastiefol back to Form Two: Guardian, "Get over here!" The Guardian chased him as Midoriya flew around "COME AND CATCH ME SHOTO!" He maneuvered around as he had way more agility

He was feeling confident until.. BAM. Slammed straight into a stone wall made by Yaomomo "I'll help you out Todoroki!" She had started to create a Rock colosseum or dome of some sort.

Midoriya would land on the walls but he didn't wanna risk to possibly get out cause of technicalities, "Dammit—! I can't get out!" Todoroki's guardian grabbed Midoriya's leg "Eh—!? Get off me!" He burned it in the face with his fire on his foot as he got away, Todoroki grabbed his arm as they got into another comedic squabble

"Give it to me!"
"Giiiiive it!"

As the others looked on, team Midoriya and team Todoroki looking on confused "So underwhelming..."

He grabbed his arm, throwing him away a little

As the two charged at each other Midoriya's fire in hand, Todoroki's Chastiefol floating around "TODOROKI!" "MIDORIYA!" As the others looked on with the seemingly powerful clash about to happen


The both fell, landing on the floor comedically "That was underwhelming..."

"The Calvary Battle has ended! Let's show all the placings!"

The Board showed on screen saying the Four teams that would advance to the finals, Team Midoriya being first, Second was team Bakugo, Third was Shoto, Fourth was Team Shinso


Bakugo casually was laid back about it "Welp I got what I wanted a win in my book!" He said having a grin on his face "WOAH IT WORKED SO MANLY BAKUGO!"

Todoroki sighed "We got third place, it's fine though as we are able to advance to the next round" with Iida disappointed in himself "I wanted to prove myself and yet he dodged me at my maximum speed..." with Yaomomo comforting them "Don't worry we all tried our best!" With Kaminari just sort of looking at the two sulking as he just thought "You two have way better quirks along with Yaomomo...Why are you complaining."

"We will announce the final event! ....After our Noonday break so stay tune! But for now we will have a break before the time we start the next event!"

To be continued..

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