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Author's Note: Since the new episode of My Hero came out with Vigilante Deku and some pretty good animation, Definitely better in my opinion of the first cour of the season here is a New Chapter of ROTSOW. Hope ya'll enjoy

Izuku angrily sped up to Shoto as he jumped up and yelled "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU." He said as he went for a kick on Todoroki but he blocked it with Chastiefol just in time. "IT SEEMS MIDORIYA HAS GONE IN TO KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO HIS DUAL HAIRED CLASSMATE, WHO KNOWS HOW DEVASTATING THAT KICK WOULD'VE BEEN IF IT WASN'T BLOCKED!" Izuku landing on the ground angrily as Shoto responded "I know that was bad judgment on my part, but everyone is fine! So it doesn't matter!" He said as he floated off, getting him comedically yelled at by Izuku, "BE MORE CAREFUL DAMMIT?!" Which caused the others to just look at the two sweat coming down their heads

Aizawa watched this all play out, the latter being silent. This explosive attitude of Midoriya had became more of a theme than he had realized. He would've kicked his own classmate to the curb for nearly harming the other classes; this worried the Mummified Sensei. How much worst would this attitude get if it kept up? How much more violent could things get if Izuku kept getting pushed over the edge. He didn't wanna find out, not only cause it would put U.A.'s reputation at stake but also cause he was genuinely worried for the Kid, with such power and rage it could make a powerful but deadly combo, he lamented this as he simply sighed "These kids..." over the Microphone

Shoto eventually made it to the Canyon side. The other Sins following along as Mic explained on the Mic, "This is the Canyon Side! Or as we call it "The Fall!" There are multiple rocks and tight ropes as you must trek along the—" Before he could finish Shoto and Mina had already peacefully flew over it and continued "...Well if you're not them you have to-" this was once again cut off by Yaoyorozu who punched the ground yelling "Rush Rock!" As Rocks flew up from the ground, she jumped on one and started flying over it "As I was—" He then saw Izuku, Bakugo and Shinsou holding onto the same stone for dear life, "WEEEEE" said the Ash blonde as they made it over "Woah! Very smart of you guys to use my stones to fly over!" She said impressed at their intelligence

Meanwhile in the Commentators room, Mic looked in awe as he comedically turned to Aizawa and fake cried "YOU'RE STUDENTS DONT LET ME HAVE FUN SHOUTA!" Which received an annoying scoff from Aizawa "Cry me a river."

Mic was able to have his speech when the other students go over though which made him happy, but then he focused back onto the other top 6 Students of Class A.

They made it onto the final stage, "THE MINEFIELD, WATCH OUT FOR THE MINEFIELDS OR ELSE YOULL GET BLOWN UP AND PEOPLE CAN CATCH UP HERE IF YOU ARENT PATIENT OR CAREFUL" Shoto and Mina just sort of looked at each other as they once again, started flying over it.

Momo, Bakugo, Shinso and Midoriya soon followed as they looked over, Momo put a hand on her chin contemplating "I could use my Giant form to effortlessly walk across...But then I wouldn't be able to fit in the Stadium cause I don't have my pills to shrink me down.." so she immediately crossed that out as an option she also thought of using Rush Rock again but didn't wanna run the risk of the small pebbles triggering the bombs so she unfortunately realized she had to do this normally-

Shinso also figured this out as he just started to do it, BAKUGO HOWEVER LIKE THE MANIAC HE IS... Actually does it normally, Leaving Izuku to ponder what to do as he thought "While Demon Wings would be helpful I feel like that'd draw too much attention..Not to mention I don't even have them- so I need another efficient way of flight without drawing much attention.." He then thought back to a Video of Endeavor he watched as he saw the No.1 Flame Hero fly with fire on his feet propelling him up and letting him stay in the air... Yes. YES THAT WAS IT

Izuku jumped up high into the air as Mic and others looked on "WHATS MIDORIYA DOING? IS HE PLANNING ON JUMPING OVER THE WHOLE THING?" Izuku then closed his eyes "Concentrate..Focus the heat into you're feet and you should be able to.." Izuku suddenly felt the feeling of stillness as he opened his eyes "YES, IT WORKS!" He gained a grin, While this wasn't as fast as what he could possibly go with using his Demon Wings (IF HE HAD THEM.) It was still a reliable substitute for now until he got to that.

He flew over the field as the others looked on as he landed onto the floor as he gained a grin, "YOU TWO WONT WIN THAT EASILY!" As the two looked back, they saw a small glimpse of Izuku in-between them as Izuku passed by he gave a grin to Shoto "While You're flying is good...It's not as fast as you think!" He passed by them as the hot wind blew in front of them, Shoto looking on in shock "HOW!?"

Mic got onto it completely shocked at the outcome "AND THE WINNER IS.."

The Green haired boy passed through the tunnel as he looked up at the crowd cheering in excitement


To Be Continued...

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now