Inner Demons

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Shigiraki jumped down with a Twisted Grin Plastered on his face as he landed, he started to disintegrate the ground, as the Ring started to disintegrate along with the grass. However before he could continue a String of Fire wizzed past his face as this caused him to get up "I don't think so Villain!" It was Endeavor who had shot a Small Beam of Fire

"Ah Yes the No.1 Hero, unfortunately for you we aren't here to kill you. However..." Endeavor was suddenly attacked by multiple Nomu "AH-! These things again!"
Shigiraki walked past him as he slowly approached Izuku "It would be a nice side objective." Izuku stared at him "Then why are you here..?" He got in a battle stance with Shigiraki's smile only growing "For you obviously." he snapped his fingers. Multiple Nomu grabbed Izuku by the neck and the other one grabbed him by the arms as they slammed him on the ground "ACK-! GET OFF ME!" He activated his demon mark, trying to put up some form of resistance which was seemingly working as they struggled to hold him down, unfortunately there we're more in store willing to hold him down

"I'm kinda disappointed I expected more from y—" Suddenly The Nomu we're blown away "IF YOU WANT HIM YOU GOTTA COME GET HIM." Mina had used her power of wind to blow them away, however this only bought time as Izuku was swarmed by multiple Nomu, however he was able to fight against the monsters

In the Mean time, Kirishima and TetsuTetsu with the help of the Pro's like Snipe we're using team work to try and take down as many Nomu's as they could by attacking the brain which was their only hope of winning. Mina was supporting any student from the sky by blowing away Nomu if they ever got overwhelmed, Todoroki proceeded to help their father by using Chastiefol and its multiple forms to kill Mass Amount of Nomu "This is a sight to see, the Son of the No.1 Pro hero needing to help his old man." Said Shoto, he was relishing in this as his father scoffed "Shoto please now is not the time for this!"

Momo used her Earth Powers to crush Nomu's to death, Izuku was fighting against multiple Nomu. He was putting up a good fight, he was slowly starting to get overwhelmed "Tch-! So many of these bastards!" Nobody was fully able to help, they had to deal with their own set of Nomu

Shigiraki POV

The Brat was surrounded by Master's toys, I proceeded to run away. I looked around "I need to find a Hostage, Someone he cares about dearly." I looked around at the battle field as Blood was spilled by either Man or Nomu. It didn't matter and as if The Gods decided to finally throw me a bone I saw it. My Hostage a Brown Haired Girl with a Permanent blush on her face who was taking care of the people and escorting them away "Everyone get out of here! Evacuate!" She was being helped by the Pro hero, Present Mic. I could feel the blood on my neck as I furiously scratched as I grabbed her by the throat with 4 of my fingers "You'll be my scape goat!" I took another look at her "You.. You're one of his classmates aren't you!" I could see it now. She was trying to breathe, I didn't want to let her go though, I underestimated this class last time. It won't happen again

"Hey let go of her-!" Present Mic got ready to scream, however I had put her towards him "If you want me to kill her and everyone else then you won't shoot that attack at me." This caused him to flinch as I ran off, I had to find him. I need for him to get desperate.

Narrator POV

The fighting raged on, The Todoroki family attacking Nomu left right and center even creating Combo attacks as Endeavor used his fire and Mina's wind to create Fire Tornado's to turn Nomu's into ash. Todoroki himself however was struggling, He already used energy to fight Momo and Midoriya before this which those fights had taken a heavy toll on him. "They just keep coming-! How many are there-!?" Suddenly he was put in a choke hold by a Nomu as he coughed with Enji having to save him by grabbing the Nomu by the head and burning it alive as he had to crank his heat up even hotter as his flames turned Blue completely disintegrating the Nomu's head. As Todoroki was freed, he started to breathe in again "Now we're even." With Todoroki scoffing however the nice-ish family moment was cut off. As a Burst of Dark Demonic Energy could be seen out in the distant blowing away Nomu in the middle of the Stadium "Wh-What's going on-!" Endeavor said as he saw the spiral of Dark Energy, as he himself was blown back "This cannot be anything good.."

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