The start of Round 2

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Normal Speech - "Among Us"
Microphone - "Have you just ran out of things to put here?"
Thoughts - "I think he did.."

Bakugo left the ring as he walked to the corridor, he accidentally bumped into Izuku as they looked at each other "Heya Captain! You getting ready for round 2?" Izuku looked at him with a nervous smile "O-Oh no, I was gonna check on Ochaco after her match with you." This earned a few moments of blinking from the immortal boy as he smiled "Ooooo You tryna to get some alone time with her?" This earned a slight blush from the boy as he looked away annoyed "No. I am trying to see if she's okay—" he gave him a little punch on the arm "Give her my condolences." Izuku nodded as he walked past him, proceeding to the waiting room that Uraraka was in.

Izuku POV

I walked over to the door as I thought "I gotta find out if Ochaco is alright.. She seemed pretty down after losing that fight.." I took a deep inhale as I knocked onto the door, my eyes somewhat averted from the door remembering what Bakugo said "This is just a reassuring talk.. this isn't anything like that" She opened the door as I could see the physical injuries on her, she was somewhat bandaged up as their we're some patches on her face as she gave me a smile "Oh Izu-kun come in—! Sorry if I took long to answer" I walked in, as she closed the door behind me "Oh no it's alright if you wanted to take your time I don't mind." She walked over to the table as she sat down, I gestured to a chair by raising a brow. She waved it off as I proceeded to pull up a chair and sat down

I asked "Are you okay after the fight with Bakugo?" She tilted her head before she nodded "Mhm! I'm fine!" I looked somewhat shocked but also I was happy "Really? That's great!" She responded to my enthusiasm "I don't plan on losing ever again! I just gotta grow my strength and such and i'll be able to soon beat people with even you and Bakugo levels of strength!" I smiled putting a hand on her bruised cheek, "Does it still hurt here?" She somewhat flinched but she shook her head "U-Uhm.. no.." I could see her face somewhat turn red, as I also slowly turned red taking my hand away "Sorry-!" I felt so stupid, I could feel the heat rushing up my face. Silence slowly fell upon us as the awkwardly atmosphere I had created settled in like a bird making a nest

"Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki please come to the arena for the second round" we looked towards the speaker as I got up "Well the second round is starting I should get going." "Okay, Sorry for wasting the time you had" I looked at her "Eh? Wasting? No it's alright I was just genuinely worried is all." I was going to walk out the door "Izu-kun wait!" I turned, looking at her "Huh? What is it?" She gave a wave "I'll be cheering for you!"

My eyes widened, I swear I could feel the sound of my hearts beating through my ears. I gave a smile and a thumbs up "Don't worry! I'll be doing my best!"

Uraraka's POV

When Izuku left, I suddenly got a call from someone, I could feel the buzzing and ringing from my pocket. Taking out the phone I turned it on and saw who was calling me, I picked up the phone "Heya Honey! How's it been going in UA?" The manly voice told me as I proceeded to answer his question "It's been going good so far Dad." I answered, with a smile on my face as he answered "Are you sure? Me and your mother saw it and.." It felt as if the windows shattered and the air stiffened as I answered "Ah.. you both watched that—" my voice was visibly breaking, it was hard to keep composure at that point. I felt like a failure, I had no chance of winning sure but that made it worst. "Listen we're happy you got far! There's always next year yknow!" He tried to cheer me up but it didn't help, I felt tears run down my face "B-But.. If I can't go far how am I suppose to..— Help you two.." I sniffled as I broke down "listen it's okay. Nobody gets it right the first try yknow"

"He's right yknow sweetheart." I could hear another voice "M-mom..?" I could feel the warmth of her smile despite not seeing it, it probably was my phone though "There isn't anything wrong with failing your first try, you can always try again. If you want to succeed you sometimes must take things one step at a time no matter how long it takes." I broke down into tears "B-But if I don't become a hero than.. you two will never get any rest and— and—" I was stumbling on my words, it felt hard to breath.


I remembered back before the Sports Festival started, it was lunchtime and I was sitting with Iida, Bakugo and Izu-kun, we we're all talking about why we wanted to be a hero. Bakugo-kun explained how he did it because he felt like it would be nice, Izu-kun said how it was a life long dream of his to save people with a smile on his face, Iida-kun said how it was to make his family of heroes proud. Then there was me, I simply wanted to make money... it wasn't for a selfish cause I was trying to help my family but also cause I genuinely liked helping people, it made me feel good but still it sounds selfish..


My Dad hushed me as he proceeded to calmly say "There's no need to rush Ochaco.." I sobbed, silently "let's get on a different topic, who's this boy you've been talking about?" I took a little inhale regaining my composure "His name is Izuku Midoriya.."

Izuku POV

I was walking down the hall towards my match with Todoroki with nothing really clouding my mind until.. "Hello Midoriya." I turned to the side, it was No.1 Hero Endeavor "E-Eh!? Endeavor! Wh-What do you need sir!" He looked at me as he sighed "I need you to help with Shoto." I raised an eyebrow confused "What do you mean help with Shoto?" He got on a knee as he put a hand on my shoulder "Shoto and I's relationship isn't the best.. I can handle being hated because I may deserve it. What I can't handle is him not going all out." I looked confused at what he meant by Todoroki hating him till I remembered what Todoroki told me back when he was trying to declare war on me


"Have you heard of Quirk Marriages?"
"Quirk Marriages-? You mean when people marry not out of love? But to create multiple children to make new and stronger quirks?"
"He wanted me to be something that surpasses a certain man, he never specified who it was but he only said he was a man of the sun."


I looked at him, hiding distain in my face as I sighed. "I can't handle it either. However..." I turned away as I went back to walking "If i'm gonna do this. I am gonna do it my way. I don't wanna associate myself with you and plus if anyone is gonna draw this power out of him your talking about..."

"It's gonna be me."

To be continued..

Author's Note: Ya'll like the way this chapter is written? With the characters POV and all that shibang I would like some input on it

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now