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"Since you..— Finally finished creating your Hero names. Let's put those Hero names to work, you'll be choosing a Hero Internship to really start your career."

Aizawa moved out the way of the board, showing all of the Pro Hero Recommendations. "We never usually have Internships for first years, but count yourselves lucky. All the pro's are rather interested in your Futures, you and Class 1B did well at the festival."

The Hero Nominations we're relatively balanced, at least for the top 4 nominees.

Todoroki Shoto - 2134
Bakugo Katsuki - 2071
Momo Yaoyorozu - 1620
Mina Todoroki  - 1021
Tenya Iida - 496
Tokoyami - 491
Ochaco Uraraka - 200
Denki Kaminari - 121
Kirishima - 100
Sero - 92

Izuku looked at the board, scouting for himself on the nominees. Unfortunately and somewhat unsurprisingly to him, he didn't even get a single nomination by the Pro Heroes

As disappointing this was to see, he wasn't surprised as much "I mean, why would they choose me? I totally lost it at the Sports Festival.. all because of.." the grip on his arms tightened, he shook his head to snap himself out of it.

"Oi Captain! How many Pro's did you get nominated by?" Bakugo basically yelled towards him "Ah-! Me? Oh, I kinda.. didn't get any." He looked down somewhat saddened, "Wow that is a bummer. You unfortunately won't be able to get into any agencies" Mina said, kinda confused on why he didn't get any

Aizawa proceeded to interrupt their conversation "Even if you didn't get a nomination, you'll still have to participate in an internship. Thankfully for those students, we had 40 Pro Heroes agreed to take on apprentices from U.A. Each of them specializing in an aspect of Heroism."

"Isn't that Great Izu-kun!" Ochaco exclaimed to him, happy her friend does get to participate "Yea that's great!" Although, he doubted his own personal level of control it was still nice that he could participate like a Normal Student

"Quiet... Ahem. You all have till the end of the week to choose 1 work place from your respective list."

"Choose wisely, because you may not get to choose a different one once you've locked in."


The Staff Room After Class

Aizawa was sorting out the Hero Internships, "Knowing these kids, they might take a little time before they actually choose an internship" he noted to himself, however almost like an act of God came to prove him wrong

"Huh? What's this?" It was infact Iida's work place choice, this somewhat surprised him "Hosu City Hero Office." He looked on somewhat confused, There we're way more better nominations for Iida than this one however he didn't question it much.

Now that he looked at it, more students except just Iida already made a decision. Maybe this would be faster than he thought initially.

About a Week Later..

The day of the work place field training had arrive, Class 1A is at the train station with Mr Aizawa in-which's job to escort them safely to their work places.

"I want to remind all of you, You have your Hero Costumes however. Do not wear them in Public and Do not lose them. One last things, mind your manners... wish you all luck."

Students went one by one went on a train towards their Work Places. Tenya's train had arrived, as the Dark Blue haired boy walked to his train, his friends had stopped him "Iida. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to Me, Katsuki and Ochaco."

Iida nodded "I will." He turned to walk away, he was seemingly holding back tears. He hated that he had to turn away from them, he needed someone to talk to about his dead brother. They most likely knew about it from the news due to the fact they even brought it up, which only made him hate this decision more.

Flash Back to Two Days ago

It was Tensei's funeral, Iida and his family grieved. They didn't invite anyone like Class 1A just because this was a family thing and they all just wanted to be alone with each other to ease the pain, it would be on the news at this time so it wasn't like they wouldn't be consoled by others

Flashback End

He went onto the train, starting to wonder if this is really what he wanted. The revenge and blood he wanted.. is this really something a Hero would do?

After a while Uraraka and Bakugo left for their respective trains, which then just left Izuku and... Tokoyami????

They both awkwardly stood there, Neither having the real capacity to start a conversation. Izuku felt really awkward at the fact this is the first time he was talking to one of his classmates that had kinda seen his rampage back in the sports festival

However Tokoyami surprisingly broke the silence, "I'm not scared y'know." Izuku turned to him kinda shocked and confused "Eh?"

"Just because of what happened in the Sports Festival, that isn't going to change how I treat you, you're still a classmate of mine and an ally." This actually made Izuku smile, he needed to hear this after all the flak and bad reputation he's been getting since that happened

"Wow uhh.. Thanks, I needed that Tokoyami." He nodded "It's alright I understand." Suddenly Izuku's train had arrived as he got on "Well see ya! Thanks for the conversation" he thought he was gonna be by himself...

"Midoriya- We both go on the same Train."


Apparently he would be able to talk with Tokoyami more than he thought

To Be Continued..

Authors Note: Yo Heya Guys, Sorry if the pacing in this chapter seems kinda wonky. Ima be real I mostly used the Wiki for reference because uhh, I don't remember the internship part much lol

Don't worry tho I think i'll be able to remember later arcs, It's just been kinda a long long time since season 2 yknow

Anyways, Hope ya'll enjoyed and see you round

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now