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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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September 1975

That next day, Juliet finished the potion. To her surprise, the boys ended up using it to cheer the students up. They gave points to all the houses, even Slytherin, and joked around while looking like their professors.

The Potter girl found it sweet. They had noticed how everyone seemed tense and gloomy ever since they were back at Hogwarts. They knew they were safe there, but now that they had seen from their own eyes what was happening outside of the school's walls, it didn't feel right to continue living like nothing was going on and everything was alright. Many students had even run away with their parents, probably flew out of the country.

Running away seemed like a safe option, but at that point, the war was inevitable, and if nobody was left to defend them, the Dark Lord would win over the entirety of the Wizarding community. And then there would be no place where anyone would be safe.

Anyway, James and Remus took the blame for her, though everyone could tell it was not their work, they let it slide because of how happy the kids were afterwards.

They started to organise temporary patrolling rounds, until Quidditch season starts, and of course Juliet paired up with the Lupin boy, yet keeping an eye on the youngest Black brother.

The week-end arrived soon enough. Pandora, Amos and Juliet were waiting for Regulus in the Astronomy Tower, having written to him earlier. But the long minutes were passing and no trace of the boy.

"Do you think he's actually avoiding us?" Amos asked, leisurely pacing back and forth. Pandora was leaning on the balustrade while Juliet was sitting, leaning against a pillar next to her.

"Regulus isn't like that." The blonde girl denied.

"Or maybe he is. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that he's going through a difficult time and as his best friends we have to show him we're here for him." Juliet reminded and they both nodded, the silence taking over once again.

They were losing hope until they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Slightly panicking at the idea that it could have been Filch, they tensed, but relaxed when Regulus appeared.

"Reggie!" Dora beamed as Juliet stood up with a smile.

He stood there awkwardly, looking between the three with a blank stare. "Good evening." He greeted politely.

"Hey, mate! We thought you wouldn't come! We missed you!" Amos hugged Regulus' side, ruffling his hair.

"I'm on patrolling duty tonight, I got your message late." He explained, sighing, though used to the Hufflepuff's playful habits.

"Patrolling?" Pandora frowned.

"Reg is a prefect now." The Potter girl clarified with a proud smile that caused the Slytherin's expression to soften.

"Blimey, Reggie! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell us?" The Ravenclaw squealed, clapping her hands.

"I.." He looked between his friends, his tone suddenly turning colder. "I've been busy."

"Hanging with Mucliber and Avery?" Juliet smirked sarcastically. She was bitter about that fact but she couldn't be mad at him because he didn't know what happened. She mentally facepalmed, she was there to let him know she was ready to comfort him about his family and here she was taunting him.

"They're not that bad." He defended.

"Oh no. They're worse."

"How would you know!? You never tried to get to know them! They're nice people, and my parents approve of them, and they understand me better than you ever could!" The youngest of the House of Black snapped.

It was silent for a few seconds until a sinister laugh was heard from the Gryffindor. Amos and Pandora exchanged a nervous glance.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I know what you've been doing. I know you tried to put some ideologies in my head, just like you did with Sirius. You're turning me away from my beliefs." The blue-eyed boy glared.

"Wow." Juliet scoffed. "So that's what your mother has been telling you this summer."

"You did it with Pandora, and now you've done it with Sirius, but it won't work on me." Regulus shook his head, pulling away from Amos. Though there seemed to be something wrong in his tone, he was repeating himself, as if trying to make himself believe.

There seemed to be an intense staring contest between the two. Everyone in the room could tell the Gryffindor prefect was doing her best not to lose her cool.

"Then what exactly are your beliefs?" She took a step closer.

"The exact same as the rest of my family. Mudbloods are filthy monsters. And anyone who befriends them are blood traitors. Like you." He also stepped closer.

"Filthy monsters? Do you hear yourself?" The brunette raised her voice.

"Very well, in fact! They hate us, they already tried to kill us and they will do it again, why won't you understand that!"

"Because I've seen Muggles, and I might not know what it used to be like but they have changed for the better! And whatever they do, they'll always be better than your fucking rapist friends." Juliet spat, stomping away from the scene, only hearing Pandora's gasp behind her.

She heard hurried footsteps after her as she was walking back to her common room but ignored it until Amos blocked her way. "What was that?"

The Potter twin let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry. I said we would let him know we're here for him but I created a whole scene. I'm sorry, I lost my cool."

Juliet was always quick to admit her mistakes, it never took her long to apologise if she misbehaved or hurt one of her loved one's feelings. It went against the stereotypical behavior you'd expect of a Gryffindor, and she was the complete opposite of her petty twin on that matter.

"No, not that. About Mucliber and Avery?"

"That they're bad people?" Juliet feigned ignorance.

"Juliet." Amos said sternly.

She pursed her lips, inhaling some air and looking up to the ceiling to avoid her eyes to get teary. "They assaulted me."

And it was silent, when she managed to stop her tears from falling, she glanced at Amos to see his jaw on the floor, his surprised face changing into a furious one.

"Calm down, I'm okay now, it's okay." She attempted to reassure him.

"No, Juliet, this is not okay. Why didn't you say anything to anyone?" Contrasting with his facial expressions, his voice was extremely soft.

"I did. I told Remus."

He raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Okay, we'll talk about this another time. Let me take you to your common room."

"It's fine, Amos, go see Regulus and Pandora and we'll talk later." She instructed, walking away.

Thoughts and memories she kept pushing away were resurfacing. Things she had not planned on letting anyone know. But she couldn't run away from it forever.

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well. Belated Merry Christmas!
what a joyful chapter, full of love

my exams started and I'm getting busier but look at me still writing like nothing is going on

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now