Chapter 2

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It was 11 in the morning and Arna was up on the computer that was in the living room. She rubbed her forehead out of frustration. "Your still on the computer?" Sandra spoke with disbelief. Arna jumped out of fear, "My goodness sandra you scared me." Arna turned around in the chair with her hand on her heart.
"And yes I'm still on the computer, your up early." She turned back around facing the computer. "What are you so focused on? And you still haven't told me about last night." She took the last step of the stairs and tightened her robe. "Wow surprised you remembered." Arna sarcastically said. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She smiled siting on the couch. Arna turned around again to face Sandra. "Last night something crazy happened." Arna whispered. "Yea i think we established that." Sandra chuckled. "When I went to go find you last night at that party, I went into a room accidentally." Arna paused. While Sandra was turning on the tv.

" what you saw someone fucking?" Sandra turned to Arna raising her eyebrows. "Arna baby we talked about this..." " I walked in on a room and it was like men with suits and this guy with-." Thats when suddenly the news popped up. "Breaking news!!!" Sandra sucked her teeth. "Ugh I was watching the protectors!" She complained. "A BODY WAS FOUND NEAR COMPTON WITH A GUN SHOT WOUND TO  THE HEAD."  Sandra and Arna immediately looked at each other. Arna scooted the chair closer to the tv. "AUTHORITIES ARE STILL TRYING TO IDENTIFY THE VICTIMS NAME BUT WE DO HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE IT IS THE MICHAEL  GOODE  A LAWYER , SUSPECTS ARE IN QUESTION, FAMILY MEMBERS SAY THEY DONT KNOW WHY MICHAELS BODY WOULD BE FOUND NEAR COMPTON AS HE HAS HAD NO RELATIONS THERE."

Arna brain was thinking, something in her body told her that maybe that was the man last night. "OTHER FRIENDS OF MR. GOODE SAYS HE DID LIKE TO GAMBLE AT CASSINOS AND OWED MONEY FROM TIME TO TIME, THE FAMILY TAKES THIS TIME TO ASK THAT IF ANYONE KNOWS ANYTHING PLEASE CALL 9-1-1."  The news was switched to another hot topic. Arna looked at Sandra. "You were saying before the stupid news." Sandra smiled. "Uhh never mind." Arna smiled as well. Arna figured it was irrelevant and the type of person Sandra was she'd probably just laugh at her.  "Uhm Sandra who's house did we go to last night?" Arna asked. Sandra sat on the couch thinking for a minute. And got up and began walking towards the computer where Arna was sitting. "Why is that what you've been searching all day." Sandra giggled. "You know I can't use this junk." Arna laughed as well.

"His name is Wesley Hunter." Sandra crossed her arms and smiled. It looked as if something light up in her eyes. "I know!  I know!  How did I get into one of his parties? I'll just say i have my ways." She put her hands up and laughed. Arna's mouth hung open. "But to bad im we didn't get to see him it's very hard to get to see a billionaire." She frowned. "It would be an honor to ride that." Sandra bit her lip and looked at Arna. Arna rolled her eyes and smiled. "Wanna see a picture?" Sandra asked reaching in a basket looking through her magazines that's she never read. She took a thick one out and laid  it on the desk. There Arna saw a beautiful man! He was tall his skin was clear and his eyes were sharp but loving at the same time. His jawline was sharp and his muscles bulging out of his suit. He was like a prince.   "A Prince" she whispered touching the picture.

"You like him don't ya?" Sandra smiled to her. "That's him with his girlfriend well ex she was a model." She pointed to the picture of him and a tall blonde women who was just as beautiful as him. Arna smiled a little.
"You know Arna I heard they are hiring in the building he works  do you want to apply together?" Sandra smiled. Arna was speechless she didn't know if she was truly ready for something like this. "I mean we're both qualified." She smiled. "I mean I don't know Sandra." Arna shook her head. "Oh come on please?" Arna looked at Sandra's puppy eyes.  How could she deny her. "Yea yea ok...fine I'll apply with you." She smiled.
"Yay!!" Sandra hugged her. Arna smiled and rubbed her skin looking down at it.

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