Chapter 26

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Wesley sat onto the couch drinking a glass of whiskey that was half full. Leo walks in with a paper in his hand. He walks over to Wesley gives him a half smile and hands him the paper. "What's this?" Wesley asked.
"Your bill Mr.Hunter." Leo assured. "Bill for what?" Wesley asked confused. "Bill for dancing crab? You didn't go to the club  the other night?" Leo asked. "No you know what club I always go to do I look like I would even step my foot into dancing crab!" He snatched the paper out of Leo's hand. And looked at it confused. "They said someone maybe you or someone else came and used you name and said that you were going to pay for it." Leo said. That's when it clicked for Wesley he looked straight and crumpled up the Papses with anger. "Is that so."

The morning of  Arna got up she was still sleeping on the couch. Sandra wasn't speaking to her still and it was even worse this time Sandra wouldn't tell her why though. She thought they had a good time even though Arna got sloppily drunk. Arna looked at Sandra leaving the house with her purse, she glanced at Arna once "Good morning." Arna started. Before  Arna could even finish she slammed the door. "Sandra.." Arna sighed.

Arna walked into the office a little exhausted she had to deal with a mother day of Wesley hunter. She was late this time so that must be added to her annual screaming of the day. Arna didn't know if she could take it anymore. But this job paid so good and that's probably the only reason why Sandra is keeping her in the house and not on the street. Luca walked passed her smiling at her he looked very suspicious but Arna just ignored it and kept walking towards her office. Thats when she passed by Wesleys office seeing Karla in there. Arna's eyes widened and confused but she kept her head down. They both stared at her of course Wesleys was more angrier. Arna didn't have time to even put down her stuff. Before Karla burst in.

Glaring at her with her arms crossed. "I know Karla I'm sorry I over slept." Arna pleaded. "Are you kidding me?! That's the least of your problems right now!" Karla yelled. "What do you mean?"  Arna perked up in fear. "What happened friday night?" Karla questioned. "Nothing well uh me and Sandra we went to the club and..". She started. "And you or your friend used your badge to get into the club and put everything on..." that's when Karla and Arna both heard the bell. Arna looked at Karla in fear. "Look I didn't mean to it was an accident ok? I had no clue that would happen seriously." Arna panicked. "Look whatever he tells you you do put your head down don't fight him just listen to him don't make him angry." Karla calmed her. Arna nodded her head.

Arna stood up dusting her dress of and walking towards Wesleys office. She knock onto the door. "Come in!" He yelled sternly. Arna walked in with her head down. Wesley glared at her. Arna could feel his eyes on her.  " sooo I don't think I had an assistant pull this kind of crap yet, it seems to me you just like to test me huh?" He smirked. "Listen Mr.Hunter im am so sorry i didn't know it would go to you for the bill I thought that was the perks of just working here me and my friend will pay you back all the money please you can even take it out of my paycheck I'm so sorry this will never and I mean never happen again I promise, I'll make sure I pay it back every penny!" Arna begged. "Listen! Don't you ever interrupt me and I'll decide on what I want you to do!" Arna nodded. Wesley called down and sat back down.

"Now, I already payed your fucking bill and I don't expect you to pay me back that would take years Wouldn't it." He laughed to himself. "I'll give you two  fucking options, this would probably be easy for you if you actually have a fucking brain up there, but if you don't this may be the hardest decision you ever had to make."

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