Chapter 35

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In the car Karla held onto the wheel tightly they were now on they're way to Wesley's estate. Karla didn't want to go to fast she always had that nervous gut feeling around him. Arna could sense something with Karla at which the speed she was going. Arna squinted her eye and turned her body over to Karla. "So How did you meet Wesley?" Arna asked. Karla made a quick sharp turn to Arna, "that's Mr. Hunter to you." Karla snapped. Arna put her head down and looked out the window. "Right. Mr. hunter."  She mumbled to herself.
"Sorry it's just..I'm just trying to get you prepared, your not just seeing this guy at work your now going to see him when you come home, your in his world now Arna and that is a very scary thing." Karla said.

"Yea of course I know, I'll be careful I promise." Arna said. Karla glimpsed over at Arna one more time before speaking. "I worked for Luca, I was a very young and naive assistant, which was my first mistake. Going in with a open mind and open heart, trusting everyone I saw."  She spoke voice trembling a little. Arna looked over to see if she was crying but..there were no tears.

"You gotta keep up little girl there's no time to be timid in this position!" Luca snapped. "Yes of course sorry I won't.." she nodded her head. "Stop! Apologizing and just do fucking better!"
"Yes of course."  She shook her head once more. "Better, don't fuck this up! I have a million other people who want your spot! Surprise you haven't gotten killed yet you got a gun?" Karla's eyes widened. "Excuse me sir?" "Haha I'm just joking follow me." He began walking having Karla right behind him. "On the way there stood a tall boy he looked very young with a very expensive gray suit. It looked as almost like it didn't fit him, his hair was unkept a little bit messy and  the bags on his eyes hanged looked like he hasn't slept for days or ate. He stood right beside Mr.Betto the ceo almost like he was being trained." She said. "Ignore the brat!" Luca said glaring at the boy. He walked up to her and pointed to her. "I don't want to see you talking with him, I'm saving your life here hun, he's a little psychotic shit!" Luca said exchanging another glare at him. The boy then caught his eyes and they both had a deadly staring match. Karla getting in between it when the boy stared at her. "It was then I realized who he actually was it was all over the papers my sophomore year of Highschool of the boy who killed his whole family along with other maids." Her eyes widened then immediately looked somewhere else. "And that's basically the first time I saw him." Karla turned to Arna and smiled. They were now in an area with a lot of trees and very secluded Karla pulled up to a gate watching it slowly open for her. 

Arna squinted her eyes trying to find something... a lie perhaps..a flaw? But she didn't have enough time before being approached by a a tall old man with a suit. He smiled at both of the women open sing the door for Arna. As two other men began to open the backseat door and trunk to get Arna's belongings...or what she had left. "Good evening Ms.con and Ms..." Arna was about to answer until Karla spoke. "Smith.. Ms. smith." Steve looked at Arna as Arna shook her head. Arna turned her head over to Karla and smiled. "Well this is it...I'll see you next week." Karla raised her brows. "Yep." Arna nodded. "Get some sleep...AND! Behave yourself try not to get killed."  Arna giggled. "I won't" she said coming out of the car and walking away with Steve. Karla looked at them smiling to herself.

She was walking by the office when she realized no one was in the office. Karla knew she shouldn't look into someone else's office. And the boys at that! Luca would kill her she could even lose her job. But her curiosity got the best of her. Walking in and opening the door slightly, She snooped the office looked bland, you can practically feel the dark presence she tried to be a quiet as she could. Staring at the Superman pencils that was on his desk. "Cute." She mumbled to herself. Maybe he wasn't such a monster that they portrayed on the news. She took a look at the bookshelf's and began reading. That's when he stormed in. "What the fuck do you think your doing?!" He yelled. Karla immediately dropped the book. The sight of the young boy scared her. "I..I I'm so sorry I was just." She said tears starting to form. "Just what! Huh just fucking what!" He screamed at her feeling full force from his voice. "It's really you?!" She said excitedly.  "What the fuck are you talking about?!" He yelled. "The boy on the news who killed his family it's really you?!" She said taking a step back. You can see the air blowing out of his ears. Just then he pulled out a gun on her. Karla immediately put her hands up "no no no" she said shaking her head. "You want to be on the papers  next."  He asked smiling to himself walking towards her. Karla shook her head no quickly tears forming from her eyes. "Yea didn't think so." He smiled then pistol whipped the side of her face knocking her down immediately.

Karla sat there looking in the mirror caressing the scar left on the side of her face. With a straight face. "A monster he was and a monster he is." She mumbled to herself driving off.

Walking away with Steve Arna quickly turned to him. "Uh my name! It's not Uhmm it's not smith. It's Isa Arna Isa."  Arna looked up at him. Steve looked down at Arna and smiled. Ok Ms.Isa it is then." He laughed to himself. Making her smile as well. "Thank you." She said. As the both of them walked into the house.

Book 3: All the lonely people Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant