Chapter 67

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Wesley quickly got up and pushed Karla away. "we shouldn't be doing this! Shit!" Wesley said instantly regretting the kiss he had with Karla "You need to leave." he said sternly.   Karla nodded her head and got up  and left the room closing the door and taking a deep breath.  She walked towards the door to the house. Just then ada stepped into her way. "Hey Karla I want to talk abo-" she started. "Sorry gotta go!" Karla immediately panicked and proceeded to rush out of the home. Ada stood there staring at the door confused. "Weird." She said then walking back upstairs.

Leo was still in the guest house as he sat in his couch watching tv. Just then he heard frantic banging on his door. "Ugh who can it be now." He said rolling his eyes. Leo got up and walked over the door and opened it to see a wide eyed sweating Karla. "If I die tell my mother I love her." Karla said. "Huh? What do you mean? Come in come in." He took Karla by the hand and lead her to the couch where they sat next to each other. "Okay calm down take a deep breath and start slow." Leo said. Karla had tears in her eyes but managed to take a deep breath and looked back at Leo. "Leo I haven't been honest with you in a long time, I have been lying, there's a reason why Wesley hates me and it's my fault." She said wailing again. Leo face was filled with confusion but also fear. "What do you mean?" He asked. "The first day I came to the office, I was new and I just got out of my marriage and...let's

say I was desperate. Wesley was like an Angel you know I thought he was a cutie really. He reminded me of him and... we did it, in his car." Leo squished his face in disgust. "Is that it?" He asked. "No it gets worse I wanted more but Wesley just didn't want me.. I did everything and I mean everything to get his attention. I washed his clothes I polished his shoes, set his work place up well, I never. missed. a day. I probably didn't even blink, all I wanted was Wesley to love me. But he didn't and here Arna comes and now their married? It didn't make sense to me, but today...I saw why, she's exactly like him. She's going to kill me if she finds out." Karla looked back at Leo with tears filled in her eyes.

Leo was speechless he didn't know what to make of all this. Arna? A heartless killer? No, he wanted laugh. He's has done more killings in a month then Arna ever has, but more importantly he wanted to know. "Find out what Karla?" He asked concerned. "I..I kissed him." She said shaking. "What?" Leo asked shocked. "I mean I get what you did was bad but it's more like she will never speak to you ever rather then blow your head off you know?" He said trying to calm the situation down.

Just then Ada walked in from down stairs. Leo's eyes widened as Karla's eyes filled with tears slowly turning to Leo. "Arna's what the hell are doing here?" Leo said. "Jeez take it easy I just came to get my ring back? You said I could go look upstairs?" Arna rolled her eyes crossing her arms. "Oh..yeah..we'll you found it please go please?" Leo suggested at the crying Karla. "Ok ok sorry I'm leaving. Karla I still would like to talk I'm sorry if I contributed to why your crying now. Really?" Arna's walked out of the home with Leo behind her shooing her out. Leo closed the door and locked and sighed. "It's ok I don't think she heard this house has thick walls." He smiled.

Karla nodded still shaking at the possibility of Arna hearing their conversation.

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