Chapter 11

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Wesley sat in the backseat of the car reading the newspaper. He crumpled it up out of anger. Leo caught sight of this and looked back. "What's wrong Mr.Hunter?" He asked. "This morning my grandfather told me he moved the annual staff party up a date and its this week Sunday I had plans to do something with Nancy and now I can't!" Wesley turned to the window and sucked his teeth. "Well why don't you just invite Nancy to the party sir?" He said turning onto a street. "Because she annoys me I don't need her whining ass on my shoulder the whole night I'd lose my mind."  "I see  that's understandable." Leo then pulled in on the entrance of the building letting Wesley out of the car.
"Thank you Leo." Wesley hummed. "No worries Mr.Hunter have a great day." Leo said happily then running back to the front seat of the car.

Wesley holding his suitcase walked in then knew something felt weird. "Good morning Mr.Hunter." The receptionist cooed. Wesley didn't say anything but kept walking into his elevator. Once he arrived  to his floor he was approached my Karla. Karla was about to start talking until Wesley cut her off. "Why the fuck! Am I coming in to this building with my suitcase in my hand where the fuck is my assistant!" Wesley practically growled in her face. He walked away from her in angry steps. The realization flashed before Karla's eyes she forgot to teach Arna that and Arna will be suffering because of her. "Shit shit shit!" Karla Said while walking away.

Arna rushed into the floor with a very hot coffe in her hand. It was hard running with high heels plus Sandra was a size bigger so this definitely wasn't for her. She knocked into the door. There was no answer she wanted to just come in but she knew better from last time. So she knocked again an again then again then again. "Ah fuck it." She whispered to herself and just walked in. He was writing on his notebook. "I got your coffee cream and sugar the receptionist was giving me a hard time haha because she didn't recognize me Uhm so yea."  Arna said placing it still dripping on his desk. He heart was beating so fast.  He eyed his messy coffee for a second  and began writing  ignoring her existence. "Ok I uh I'm gonna head to my uh office now so." "Black" he said interrupting her. Arna turned back to him and tilted her head. "Black I like my coffee black, Luca likes his coffee with cream and sugar." He said writing. Arna's eyes widened "noted" she said

Then Arna paused and came back in "You know I had a funny joke about that I told Karla it was like most men like you have like something completely plain so it was funny with the cream and sugar thing you know." Arna laughed a little to herself then once again felt the silence. She looked at Mr.Hunter to see him completely unamused. "Your fired." He said before writing  back in the note pad. Arna was shocked her heart skipped a beat oh no what did she say. "Please I'm sorry-" Wesley looked up and smiled. "A joke it's a joke can't you take a joke?" He then looked back down and kept writing . "Uh yea,sure." Arna took that as enough for the morning and left his office.

Wesley squinted his eyes.

"Girl I'm telling you he's a freakin weirdo!" Ada whispered in her office. "What do you mean spill." Sandra said into the phone. "I made a harmless joke about what coffee he likes and he doesn't laugh instead he makes a not funny joke by the way about fucking firing me like what." Arna frowns. "Ah well Arna if someone makes a bad joke fake laugh." Sandra said in a duh tone. "That's what I did but it was so freakin awkward that I had to leave, seriously the hottest ones are the weirdest." Arna said opening a bag of chips. "So you admit...he's got." Sandra says. "Huh?" Arna looks at the phone. "You just said the hottest guy he the weirdest you mean him right?" Sandra corrected. "Sandra what?" Thats when Wesley walked into the office. "Uh I'll call you later i got to go."

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