Chapter 15

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"And then im not joking  he slams me to the elevator wall with his hand in my neck and was like "don't you ever ever say that." And I was like so scared I thought I was gonna die Sandra you should have seen my face I bet you would of laughed." Arna smiled covering mouth giggling. While Sandra just sat and eyed her. "I told Karla and she was like it happened a lot to the old assistant and I'm like abuse was so not in the contract." Arna laughed to herself again. "Ew Arna cover your mouth when your eating." Sandra made a very disgusted face. Arna covered her mouth."oh my goodness your so right what a pig am I!" Arna's cheeks puffed out.

"Anyways my job is pretty cool I'm like so popular there this women came to me and all asked me to hang out with them. It's very fun on the 7 floor ." Sandra flipped her hair. "7?" Arna asked making Sandra irritated. "Yes 7th, Any wayss I just basically sit and do nothing while getting paid." Sandra smiled. "Wow sounds fun." Sandra side eyes Arna then looked up thinking as an idea popped up in her head. "I have an idea!" Sandra leaned in more closer. Arna perked up to listen to Sandra idea. "Why don't you take my job and I'll take yours I mean hear me out! My job is easy and it's perfect for you , you sit, you do work no one  bothers you, no one complains about you no task and plus you get paid!" Sandra smiled and clapped her hands.
Arna Honestly sat back and thought about it but then she remembered Karla, luca and Leo. Most importantly Karla she would be heartbroken if Arna just left out of nowhere and was replaced with someone else or maybe not? But anyways she couldn't because of what Wesley said. "Honestly Sandra I don't..I don't think that would be a good idea." Arna hesitantly denied. Sandra's eyes widened in disbelief. "Uhhh why think about it arna this is what I wanted to do in the first place remember I was the one who picked this job for you!" Sandra said trying to convince her. That was true Sandra did open the door for this job but at the same time Arna was the one who got the job and that shouldn't be her fault. "I know Sandra and I'm grateful but it's not even me it the boss he said your underqualified and honestly I don't think he really like girls like you..."  Arna said in the politest way possible. "You fucking cunt!" Sandra got up and looked down at Arna sitting.

"How dare you say that shit to me! Who do you think you are! I am just as qualified as you probably even more honestly." She looked  at Arna up  and down. "Sandra come on I didn't mean it like that." Arna tried to raise her voice. "You know what I'm glad you have this job because atleast you can afford lunch for yourself now!" She grabbed her purse and walked off.
Arna rolled her eyes what a drama queen Sandra knew she didn't mean it like that why did she get so angry?

Karla walked into Luca office. "Mr riva." Karla eyed him sitting in his office chair. " You have an appointment with Paula your wife at 5pm this evening and the later an appointment with Derek." Karla slowly looked up and caught the cold stare of Lucas green eyes and a smirk. Karla swallowed spit then kept continuing. "Why don't you divorce her?" Karla said lowly staring blankly at the paper. "Because I don't have to and you should stay out of your bosses business." Luca said yanking the paper out of her hand crumpling up and throwing in the trash. "Get out." Luca said annoyed.

Karla kept her hung her head low and walked out of the office. Karla was 30 she recently had a divorce no kids though, thankfully. The man was unfaithful cheating on her with his coworker. She caught them right in the home they shared the bed they shared. Karla doesn't like cheaters she knows how it feels and it's better to not be with someone then to just keep letting them suffer. But she cared about Luca and what he was doing was not right but Luca doesn't care.

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