Chapter 36

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In the car on the way to the estate was Leo and Wesley.
"La signora Smith dovrebbe essere nella residenza ora signore" (ms smith should be in the residence now sir) Leo spoke looking at Wesley throught the mirror. "Per l'ultima volta Leo, la mia amica smette di chiamarla signora, è tua pari!"(For the last time leo my friend stop calling her Ms. she is your equal!) Wesley spoke putting his hands up. "Sorry it's a habit." Leo smiled.
"Giusto" (fair)  Wesley waved it off. Leo took another glance.

Wesley and Luca were constantly arguing on the way to the warehouse. "Your a piece of shit you know!" Wesley flared his arms. "God your such a spoiled little shit why won't you shut the fuck up for once you can learn a thing or two." Luca rolled his eyes. The little boy was on his last nerve. "Learn a thing or two? From you? Don't make me Cazzo di ridere uomo." ( fucking laugh man) Wesley chuckled to himself.  Hm seemed like his Italian was getting better.

Luca had to just smiled to himself but then the happiness quickly turned to anger, Luca pushed the boy to the edge of the elevator holding him up by his collar. "You listen here you psycho! Your father was a piece of shit for leaving us DONT get me wrong. But he was a fucking genius building this thing from the ground up with no help I was fucking honored when he showed me this life and now I'm about to show you but oh boy if you fuck this shit up! It will be your fucking head Amico, la tua fottuta testa! (Your fucking head man!)
Wesley pushed him off. "Whatever let's get in with it!"  He complained. The elevator door opened. There Wesley saw two men in suits and guns strapped to they're hips. Wesley leaned in for his. Luca turned to him. "Stop...they work for us." Luca. Wesley nodded. He had no idea who was the enemy and who was his friend.  Once they got to the place there were two figures with black bag over they're head.  Luca looked over to one of them men. As other two men uncovered the two figures it was a man around his 30's and young boy around Wesley's age.

He looked like he hasn't slept and hasn't showered in years he had patches of dirt on his face and bruises of course. Wesley tilted his head. "Cosa sta succedendo con questi due" ( what's going on with these two?) Luca asked the guy. "Li abbiamo trovati rubare alcuni farmaci e venderli agli angoli, sono stati la ragione per cui gli affari hanno funzionato più lentamente del solito" (We found them stealing some drugs and selling them on the corners they been the reason why business has been running slower then usual) the man answered.
"Ahh." Luca nodded.  Wesley looked at the boy again but this time the boy didn't make any eye contact just stared straight to the ground.
"Kill them." Luca said. As they shot the older man, his body falling into the side . Something in Wesley irked him this felt all to familiar. "WAIT!" Wesley yelled. "What the fuck are you doing?" Luca snapped. Wesley walked up to the boy. "Parli?" (Do you speak?) he asked. It took a while before the boy spoke. "Sì" the boy answered. Something in Wesley seemed to relax. He looked back at Luca who was eyeing the both of them

. "Do you understand I crimini you have committed?" Wesley asked. "Sì e sono pronto a prendere le mie conseguenze" (Yes and I'm ready to take my consequences) to the boy life was not worth living the life he has been giving has treated him the worst and he was sure ready to live anywhere other than earth . Wesley tried to look into his eyes to find something but he found nothing the boy was telling the truth. Wesley smiled to himself. "So be it." Wesley then pulled out the his gun and pointed to the boy. The boy put his head down knowing his fate. That's until he heard a clicking sound the gun was on the floor and tossed to him.

He looked down at the gun and then looked up. "You know how to use a gun?" Wesley asked.  The boy looked up with with hopeful eyes. Wesley smiled to himself.  "I'll teach you." "What is your name?" Wesley asked. "Leo, my name is Leo signore." The boy said. Luca walked up to "Fantastico, ora è tua responsabilità Ricorda che la tua testa mocciosa, la tua fottuta testa!" ( great! He's not your responsibility, remember your fucking head, your fucking head!") Luca said walking out of the warehouse. Wesley looked over to the boy as they both smiled to each other.

Leo looked up one more time at the mirror to see Wesley looking out the window. As tears rolled down his eyes. Leo quickly wiped them. They arrived at the front of the mansion as Steve was right there to take Wesley stuff.  "Ci vediamo Leo."  (I'll see you you Leo)
Leo nodded. "What a wonderful night it is Mr. Hunter." Steve said closing the door.
"He was never a monster, he was just misunderstood"

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