BOOK 3 pt2

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"Come onn Wes, it's me!" Chris said. Chris looked around then whistled and snapped his fingers and pointed at Leo. Leo and Arna we're both confused. Just then three girls in lingerie walked over smiling and touching all over Leo. Arna covered her mouth smiling. Leo was then pulled away by the girls still shocked and looked scared a little. Leo looked back at Arna mouthing the words "Help." Playfully. Arna giggled a little bit more. Arna was now standing still looking fake und at the club and all the people with flashy clothes.

Just then a man with a black suit who looked about 6'6 walked up to the three of them and smiled. "This is Bruno he will take you to the VIP room." Chris smiled then shook Wesley hand. "It's an honor." He said. Wesley didn't say anything else just began following the guy. Arna took it as her cue to follow them. The V.I.P room oh boy! She's never been to that or treated like luxury imagine all the drinks and the benefits that come with it. She can finally enjoy V.I. P the right way this time... they were walking into a dark hallway with red lamp lights. Arna felt like she walking in the movie theaters it was so cool. As they approached the door she could hear a high pitch faint voice, Almost like a child's. As they both walked in the V.I.P ROOM WAS BEAUTIFUL. Leather red seats and a chandelier dangling at the top of the ceiling. There was drinks already waiting for them.

And the carpet looked so new and clean and expensive! But they weren't the only ones there. They're were a couple sitting on one side of the couch. And then a mother and small girl about 8 sitting on the other end. What would a child be doing in a place like this? But she shouldn't judge maybe she couldn't afford a baby sitter, atleast she's away from all the chaos. Both of the people didn't look relax they're faces was strained. "Mommy when are we going home?" The girl asked. The mother held her daughter tight. "Soon baby, soon." As Wesley and Arna walked in both of the people looked shocked. The mother looked up and Arna smiled but the women just looked down. Weird.
"Hello guys." Wesley smiled. There was no answer. "I want you to meet Arna my personal assistant." Went pointed to her with his hands. Arna waved and smiled at the little girl. The little girl half smiled then went back into her mothers arms.

"Now Arna, this question I'm about to ask is going to be very important so pay attention and choose carefully." Wesley smiled. "Uhhh, ok?" Arna raised her eyebrows. "Which one would you choose? Be honest now. The couple that has potential to start a family, newly weds by the way, or the widow mother with a child, a eight year old Cassandra, isn't she just so cute." Wesley turned to Arna. Arna smiled she got this in the bag. "Well that's easy the mother and the daughter, she just the cut.." just then the mother and the daughter was shot in the head as both of the bodies slumped to the couch. "Ahhhhh" Arna has never screamed like that in her entire life. Her throat began dry and her knees became weak. She knelt down in the floor she couldn't believe what had just happened as tears poured down her face. "Hmmm, I can't lie Arna I would of chose different, but lucky for us everyone can be a winner." Wesley smiled. He took out his gun and shot the couples in the head as they're bodies crippled to the floor. "No.." Arna said.

"Bruno, clean this shit up." Wesley said. "Yes sir." Bruno said with urgency. Arna's eyes wide and empty. Wesley liked down at her smiling. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "You see Arna this life isn't all about rainbows and unicorns, you should be happy your now in it for the long run, and oh don't go telling anyone about this or you know it would be your replacement choosing between you and Karla." He played with her hair and caressed her cheek. Wesley smiled then got up and walked out.

Hey guys! I once again want to say thank you so much for the love and support! I have created a Patreon where I will be finishing off this story for early access! I will not post the final story  till October, here is the link to my Patreon! Where you can get early access Q& A's as well as accepting request in what you would want to see in upcoming books, pages and more! Thank you
Patreon should be linked on my account!

Sneak peek : Mean while Wesley was spreading through traffic. Not caring about anything all he needed to do was get to his destination. His heart was beating so fast and his breathing has changed, he hasn't felt this rush since...Ada. "Ada" he whispered. Ah look at all the lonely people

Book 3: All the lonely people Where stories live. Discover now