Chapter 65

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"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Leo wailed his hand in the air aggressively towards Ada. Karla still stood there shocked not knowing what to say. "Because no one has time for that Cutsie shit." She snapped. Leo squinted at her. "Who the fuck are you?"
Ada rolled her eyes at Leo and slammed the gun onto his chest. "Next time don't leave a gun unattended , Maybe less fuckers will die?"  She hummed.  "Leo tieni premuto" (Leo hold on)  Luca stepped forward and smirked near Ada. "Wow you never fail to surprise me." He looked into her eyes. Ada looked up to him and smiled as well. "You know Luca.. you are just so great that I feel like you deserve another surprise, I know you've been sleeping on the couch for a few days after a mysterious person delivered pictures of you and your lover cozied up on your king size mattress while your wife was away at Cabo."  Ada smiled and patted Lucas eyes  widened and face turn bloodshot red out of anger "you fucking bitch!!!!". "You should save those shitty comebacks for her and her lawyer when she takes half of everything you own, you piece of shit." She snaps. Luca lunges towards Ada but Leo quickly grabs him to hold him back trying to calm him down. "I'm going to kill you, I'll kill you!!" Ada smiled once again and walks towards the dorm Frame putting on her shades. "I'll meet you in the car Leo and Karla whenever your ready." As she walks out.
Karla still stood there quietly not saying a word.

As the Ada sat in the back of the seat looking out the window. Leo walked over to the drivers seat and sat in it not saying a word. He looked at the mirror to see her in the back no emotion on her face. "Wh.." he started but then stopped. At this point there was no use she was just going to have to learn but how can she learn anything in this type of environment. Leo began driving towards the building.

After the day has past Leo was driving Ada back home where Wesley stayed locked in his study mourning the loss of his best-friend. Ada looked out the window watching as the rain pour and drip on the window. "You know she was my friend too?" Ada announced in the car. Leo looked over to the mirror to peek at Ada but stayed quiet. "Rachel was a kind person, she made me feel like I belonged though she would constantly tease me and Wesley." Ada laughed to herself. Leo squished his face in confusion at what the hell she was talking about. " didn't know Wesley in highschool?" He raised and eyebrow. "Oh yeah." Ada looked down and giggled to herself. "How can I forget something like that." "Yeahhh." Leo nodded his head awkwardly.

Leo dropped off Ada, getting out immediately and opening the door for her. Giving Steve her bags. "Be careful." Leo mumbled to Steve pointing to Ada. Steve nodded and smiled. "Hello Mrs. Hunter it's good to see you tonight you look glowing." Steve complimented filling her as she walked towards the entrance of the estate. "Thank you Steve, how's Wesley doing?" She asked firmly. "Oh yes yes he going better he's actually out said hes been waiting for you?" Steve said happily. "Really?!?" Ada said with joy. He must of had something special for her or wants to confide in her or maybe he wants her to coddle him, surely she was good at that! It's been while since she hasseen waiting her husband. She ran and skipped to the entrance she opened the door herself and skipped in her heels slapping against the marble floor. WELSEY!!! she cheered. Wesley came downstairs in a robe marching towards her a smile on Ada's face. "Oh wesl-"


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