Chapter 71

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Wesley sat there looking at the sun, as he wiped his nose cause he had snot coming out of it. "What kind of fucking story is that?" Bart said scrunching up his face.
"I don't know, one I made up in ma head." He shrugged. Bart looked at Wesley and shook his head. "You watch to much damn movies."he said. "I think so." Wesley scrunched his face and moved his hand to the top of his forehead. "And why you gotta be In love with a nigger?" Bart said curious. "I wasn't!." Wesley yelled at Bart. "Yeah you were you kept talking bout her like you love her or something." Bart said. "Not true!!" Wesley said rolling his eyes. "Can't believe you killed me off and kept her around." He pouted. Wesley shrugged his arm again. "But I kept you in my memory." He adjusted his glasses. "Yeah but I was still dead!!" Bart yelled "so what? I died too, we all died, everyone dies anyways." Wesley said putting his head on his knees

"Anyway, what we're we talking about before you started telling me that stupid fuckin story." Bart said sitting up. "I was talking about how i need to Mature and that's why I gave you my comics." Wesley said. "Well what bout me I wanna mature too." Bart said pouting pushing back the comics to Wesley. "Fine then I'll just find someone who wants them." Wesley said getting angry. "Fine!" Bart yelled "Fine!" Wesley yelled again. Bart got up and dusted himself off. "I gots to get home anyway I'll see you tomorrow." Bart was still pouting but he begin to walk away,but after awhile he came back and took on book form the pile. "I'm only taking this one cause it's one of the ones I didn't read yet." He said taking it. Then coming back to take two more and then three more. "Just take all of it! Idiot!" Wesley yelled. "Oh fine screw it!" Bart said taking the whole stack except one book.

"I read that one." Bart said. "Oh I'm surprised." Wesley said sarcastically. Bart flipped him off as he was walking away. Just then Wesley heard a faint voice coming from the house. "Wesley sweetie it's time to come inside now for dinner!!." Mary called. "Okay!!" Wesley said as he got up and snatched the one comic on the grass. He walked over to the house but as he was walking over to the house he saw a black girl fixing the bucket with water. Wesley stopped and looked at her for a moment before walking over to her it was the same girl he has been seeing for days now. Wesley walked towards her but he didn't want to make any move. the girl caught sight of him and smiled and wave. He finally took that as an invitation to walk up to her. "Hey you want this?" He said showing her the comic. "What is it?" She said taking it and flipping through the pages her eyes lighting up. "It's a comic you basically read it but also you can look at the pictures it's like cartoons."

"What is it about?" She asked still flipping through the pictures. "It's basically about Superman he a superhero from a planet Calle-" Wesley then stopped to see her eyes big. "I'll probably tell you later." He smiled awkwardly. " What's you name?" He asked. The girl smiled "my name is Adamma but you can call me Ada." Wesley nodded  "Wesley." He pointed to himself. The girl scrunched up her face flipping the pages but then turning her face away and looking down. "Thank you, but I can't read." She held the book close to her chest. Wesley squinted at her and noticed her body language
"That's okay I can teac-

Just then Betsy walked by and smiled and held Ada by the shoulder looking down happily at the two . Wesley immediately pulled away knowing he wasn't supposed to be talking to negro. "I see you have met Ada." Betsy smiled. Wesley immediately panicked and ran away towards the house as he was blushing red. Betsy was still holding onto Ada's shoulder as ada looked up. "What a strange boy." Ada said . "I know that's right."The girls both laughed.

As soon as Wesley got to the front door he was greeted with his annoying sister. "I saw you talking to the help, I'm telling." She antagonized. "Shut up" Wesley said "nigger lover." She spat as he was going upstairs. Wesley stopped and sighed and turned around. "Seems like getting hit  by the bat wasn't enough huh,  maybe I should do it again." He smirked. Casey's eyes widened. He turned back around smiling to himself as he ran upstairs......

The End...

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