Chapter 49

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"I seriously don't want to go if your not going." Arna said on the phone. "It's fine Arna, seriously you should go." Karla responded. "But your jot going to be there Karla there will be no point." Arna rolled her eyes. "Yes there will be, trust me Arna go, you already told him your going you don't want him to be on your ass." Karla laughed. "What about you?" Arna asked. "1. I work for Luca. 2. I don't live with the bastard, and plus it's probably for the best that I don't go, I'll probably lose my job and get thrown in jail if I'm even in the same building as him right now." Karla huffed. "Mmm Yea he's was an ass for that." Arna looked down. "But it's ok, we're used to it right?" Karla smiled. "Yeah." Arna mumbled. Just then Wesley barged into Arna's room. "Hold on Karla I'll call you later." Arna put down the phone. thank god she was changed. It was Leo and him standing at the door way as he walked in. "I..I told him to knock." Leo defended putting his hands up. "What the fuck! Arna , did you forget we have to get your best friend Karla." Wesley said smiling maliciously.

Arna squinted her eyes at him then offered a fake smile. "No Mr. Hunter my best friend won't be coming with us tonight." Arna said grabbing her purse. Welsey sarcastically gasped and put his hand on his heart. "Wow look at that Leo, attended her best friends funeral and decided to still go to a party without Karla, what a brave soldier." He smiled to her. Why was this man such a asshole. Arna and Wesley glared at each other for what seemed like hours. "Soo! We should probably head out, you know don't want to be late," Leo said trying to ease the tension between the both of them. "Yes your right Leo." Wesley said walking out first. After that Arna followed right beside Leo. "Sorry you had to go through that." Leo whispered to Arna. "It's fine Leo." Arna said walking infront of him.

The drive was silent not even a peep was made. Until Wesley turned around to take a peek to Arna. "You know I'm not all that bad." He frowned. Arna eyes slowly moved to his, she stared at him and ignored him and looked back at the window. Why was she ignoring him? It was probably the Karla situation. But it's not like Karla didn't say anything. Why was she so close with Karla? How the fuck did they become so close anyway!? "Fine, fuck you." He said turning back in his seat looking out the window. As they arrived at the club. The three of them got out of the car. Welsey was infront leading the both of them. "You look beautiful amore." Leo whispered to Arna. "Thank you Leo." She winked and smiled. "God that's fucking disgusting can you two get a grip!" Welsey said rolling his eyes.

"Leo I promise you they're will be better bitches in there." Wesley smiled. "Better men too." Arna called out. When they went Wesley was swooned almost like he was a celebrity. Just then a blonde man with a beard walked up. "WES!" He called with his arms wide open for a hug. "CHRIS!!" Wesley smiled, hugging him and patting him on the back. "How's it's been hows the old man?"
"He's good you know, work, work,work the business is always on his mind." Wesley chuckled.
"Yup that's him alright, good to know he didn't change." Chris's said crossing his arms.
"Now if you don't mind me asking, who is this lovely being." His eyes shifted to Arna,  Arna's eyes widened being caught off guard.  Wesley turned around and gave Arna the eyes pointing at Chris to answer him. "Uhhh,  yes! Mr. Uhm, Mr. Chris I'm Mr. Hunters assistant! Nice to meet you sir." She shook his hand smiling nervously. Chris laughed and smiled back to Wesley. "She's great." He said. "Yes isn't she just wonderful." Wesley  looked back. Ok it's confirmed this man is a psychopath.  Wesley looked back at Leo and ran standing next to each other then pulled Chris aside.

"Hey you think you can help one of my men out? With you know?" Wesley whispered in his ear. Chris looked at him and smiled.

Book 3: All the lonely people Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat