Chapter 14

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Wesley car swiftly moved Into the front handing the keys to valet. Arna stood there with a smile on her face anxious as ever. "Goodmorning Mr. Hunter." She smiled. She took all of Karla's pointer tips except the cleavage and the lipstick part that would draw to much attention she did not want, especially from how mean he is. Wesley didn't answer her just handed her his heavy ass bag. "Jeeez oh my!" The bag almost made Arna fall. Wesley continued walking while Arna was trying to walk especially with these heels. "Goodmorning Mr.Hunter." The receptionist said sweetly. Wesley nodded to her as you literally see her heart flutter. Oh wow even if she got a nod. Wesley and Arna both walked into the elevator.

It was awkward so Arna wanted to make conversation. "So where your driver Leo?" She asked still carrying his bag. Wesley was confused how the fuck did she even know his name? And why did she care what at eher plans? Of course he should of known better,girls like her all they do is throw themselves around. Wesley pushed Arna up the elevator wall with his hand on her neck. "You listen to me you son of bitch don't you ever ask me that question!" He screamed in her face. Looking down at her with nothing but disgust. Arna really thought she was gonna die. the elevator door opens. And she walks out with him giving him some space so he doesn't reach back and maybe slap her. Arna enters his office drops his suitcase and his coffee on his desk and scramble out of there.

She wanted to call Karla right now and tell what happen but she figured that could only make things worst not knowing if he could be listening. Arna then was buzzed in and that meant Wesley wanted her. She got up and took a deep breath and went over to him. "Yes Mr. Hunter." She asked. "From now on you won't be answering to my buzz because obviously that doesn't seem to bring you quicker so you'll be coming to this." Wesley rung a bell over and over Arna frowned. Does he think she some type of dog. "Oh Thankyou for you consideration Mr.Hunter but I'd prefer the buzz rather than a bell." She smiled. Wesley looked to the side in disbelief.

"I don't remember asking you what you though." Wesley cocked up and eyebrow. "Yes Mr.Hunter." She turned around and left. Feeling his eyes stare holes at her ass. Wesley sat back down and closed his eyes as his hand travels to fondle his zipper he unfastened his belt and reach in to softly caressed his dick letting out a heavy moan. Wesley began softly stroking it moaning softly to not let anybody hear. The more harder he stroked sweat beaming down his forhead and chest as he caressed the tip. Finally Wesley he put his head in his desk taking tissues out and cumming all out onto it. Growling lowly. Wesley looked up breathing heavy then rolling his eyes picking up the phone.

"Hey, hey Amy you free on Sunday?" He sighed.

Sandra walked in to her small boxes little office space. Another day of doing the utmost work. She rubbed her hand into her head. "Hey new girls." A women with a pencil skirt and a tight top walked up to her she had glasses and brown lipstick. "We're going out for lunch later you wanna join." The girl said smacking her gum. It annoyed Sandra. "You and who?" Sandra squished her face into a disgust look. "Me and some of the women on the 6th floor."  She then began to lean over onto her small desk. "Yea or no kid?" She chewed louder. "Yea no maybe next time I have lunch with one of my friends." Sandra turned back and began writing into her paper. Ignoring the woman's presence. "Mmk suit yourself just know your always welcomed." The women turned around still chewing her gum loudly and walked Away. Sandra shook her head. What makes them think she would want to hang out with them , those old hags.  She was going to boost up a floor she had to there was no way in hell she staying on the 6th floor,no way.

There is a staff meeting on sundays she sure that would be her big chance.

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