Chapter 33

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Everyone was leaving Wesleys office, but then Wesley called. "Leo!" Wesley called. Leo turned back around and faces Wesley. "Sir?" Leo Said walking in closing the door. "Arna should stay with me." Wesley's said bluntly. Leo was taken aback as he tried to comprehend quickly. "Are you sure mr hunter because-" Leo said confused. "I mean the house is huge I wouldn't even notice she's in there and it would be easier first thing in the morning she'll be holding my shit." It was quiet for second. Leo's eyebrow perked up. "My suitcase Leo come on." Wesley rolled his eyes. "Yes of course mr hunter." Leo smiled. "Have her there before I come home just so I don't have to see her there." Wesley said going back to his desk and sitting. "Yes of course mr hunter." Leo said walking out the door.

Arna was currently at Mollys  a clothing store. Karla and was with her picking out work  clothes that will fit her well. "Your saying your still Wearing clothes from 76!" Karla gasped. "Why don't you buy stuff for yourself sometimes?" Karl asked. "Because I never really had the money I always had to pay rent." Arna shrugged. "But I thought your parents mostly paid for that?" Karla stared at Arna confused. "Yea but Sandra would say that it wasn't...I'm a dumbass aren't I?" Arna said. "Yea she definitely screwed you over." Arna frowned. "Not anymore...that's a promise." Arna said ti Karla smiling. Karla smiled back. Karla took some clothes out "Here go and try this on in the fitting room, I'm going to get something from my car I'll meet you when your done." Karla walked away from Arna, who was now searching for the fitting rooms. Arna squinted her eyes trying to find them where the fuck could that be? She thought.

Just then a women with ginger locks and short hair and pale skin walked over to her with a smile. It scared Arna a little bit. "Hey!" She excitedly cheered. "Uh hey." Arna smiled. "Can I help you?" She asked. Oh the women probably caught Arna looking for the fitting room she probably works here. "Yea I was trying to find the fitting room?" Arna lowly asked. "Oh follow me it's right-" then the women turned around and looked at the clothes Then Arna then smirked. Arna furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Is there something wrong?" Arna asked. "Your not taking those clothes in the fitting room are you?" She asked. "Uh yea I am why?" Arna said getting insecure. "Oh it's just that those are cute anymore very out of style I mean look at it." The women lifted up the end he of the pants. In disgust. "Well they're for work not for a party." Arna snapped. The women smiled. "Oh honey let me show you what you really need." The women took the clothes from Arna and out them on a rack.

The women took Arna's hand and lead her Arna following. "Don't you wanna look hot for work not ugly and sad! I bet you gotta hot boss too hehe." The women giggled. Arna smiled shyly. "I'm petal by the way you?" The women took her hand to shake. "Arna, Arna smith." Arna smiled. They finally arrived at they're destination. Arna didn't know what to pick all the clothes were super duper hot! But petal seemed to know exactly what she needed. She kept looking at Arna and back the clothes. "Hmm yes that's perfect! Hmm no god no hideous! Scratch that I love it, we're going to make dreams come true, uh uh this is a worst nightmare." Arna couldn't believe she met a new friend who was styling her. Petal came back with a pile of clothes and slapped it on Arna to hold. "Follow me." Petal pointed to Arna to follow her. Once they arrive to the fitting room. Arna went into a room while petal sat outside.

What the hell the top was way to tight and the skirt was way to tight. Arna felt so uncomfortable all she could think of was what her annoying boss Wesley could say. "Petal." Arna called. Petal walked right in smiling. "Look it's way to tight." Arna complained. "Oh my goodness you look sexy you could be a model!" petal gasped. "No wait what are talking about it barely fits look at my boobs." Arna said pushing them. "That's the point! Trust me Arna when they see you you'll be the talk of the office trust!" Arna looked down she not sure if that that's what she really wanted.

Book 3: All the lonely people Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon