Chapter 9

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"We're here." Karla parked in her reserved parking space. Arna got out first then Karla. "When you get off from the train you want to go straight to the receptionist desk she might need your name still since your new but ti shouldn't take that long." Karla walks towards the entrance of the building with Arna right behind her. "Goodmorning ms con." The receptionist smiled then glared at Arna behind her. My goodness what a bitch. Arna and Karla both walked into the Elevator. "Also before you even step into an elevator or even try to take a step Into this building make sure you have his coffee he likes cream and sugar." Arna laughed a little. Karla turned and paused. "What's so funny?" Karla frowned. "No because I used ti work at a cafe and like most people like him would get something plain but he's you know different and like cream and sugar you know caus-" Arna quickly stopped when she noticed karla wasn't laughing with the her. "Nevermind." The elevator door opened.

In he walked with his grandfather side by side the whole downstairs all eyes on him. "Hello Susan." The girl jumped and smiled but failed to keep her eyes off the boy. "Goodmorning Mr.Betto."  She smiled. "I want you to meet our new co C.E.O. My grandson Wesley hunter." He smiled showing his dimples. "Nice to meet you." Wesley grunted out. "N.nice to meet you to Mr.hunter." She found him to be the most handsome boy she has ever laid eyes on. They both walked up upstairs.   Upstairs was a all staff event where they were going to present the new co C.E.O.  The old man stood on the mic while all the members looked at him fondly. " life hasn't ever been the same since I lost my son, me and my wife have thought about selling the company that my great grandfather has built. But god has given me a second chance at this company's future so I would like to Introduce you you to eltrons new co C.E.O!!" the crowd chaired but it was filled with gasps as well. "Thank you Thank you I am honored to be here." Wesley spoke into the mic. Some of the the employees began to discuss and gossip to each other. "He looks so young!" "Yea but he's so cute though." "I wanna get my hand on that." "I hope he's nothing like his father." "Didn't he kill his whole family." "Shut up are you trying to get us fired?!"
"I don't understand why mr.Betto is hiring babies what the fuck!" "I thought luca would get it." "Guess he's not that involved." "Im gonna run him all over watch." "Watch out bitches he's mine."
"So Thankyou." Wesley finally finished his speech and everyone clapped. Wesley was in his office and a knock was heard. "This office doesn't belong to you! Your just a kid fuck I look like working for a child! You can fire me all you fucking want! This shit is sick!" The man said angry with green eyes and sleek hair. Wesley smiled to himself. "No..your not fired." Wesley continued typing on his computer. The man looked confused as his eyes widened. "It would be kind if you can close my door when you leave." Wesley hummed. The man hesitantly left the office closing the door. The man was bamboozled he expected Wesley this young kid to get mad at him but instead he remained calm. He walked towards a women. "That kids nothing like his father he's different way more nicer." He pointed. Wesley walked up to a home then knocked on the door to see a blonde women with blue eyes and red lips . "Hello can I help you?" She asked politely. "Hello I'm Wesley hunter your husband boss Am I allowed to come in and have a chat with you." He smiled. The women was taken aback then smiled as well. Later that night the man parked his car and was walking up stairs to the door step when he heard some wailing . He immediately opened the door and ran upstairs to burst his wife door open to see Wesley on top of his wife pounding into her as she clutched u to the sheets moaning. "Oh yes uh uh yeaa." She maoned Wesley grunting and looking at the man and smiling. "Im gonna kill you bastard!!" The man lunged for Wesley. His wife get up and covering her mouth. Two men grabbed the husband as Wesley sat on the end smiling. "Now that that's over you don't seem to be a huge fan of college students your wife sure seems to be the opposite." Wesley said bitterly. "I thought he was older baby I swea-" "shut the fuck up!" Wesley yelled at her. "Your kid Rebecca is sleeping safely in the other room." Wesley smiled. He then checked his watch.  "Maybe it's time you join her." Wesley smiled at the sound of two gunshots were heard coming from the home.

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