Chapter 37

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Arna walked into the room her eyes widened at the beauty of The room. Steve stood right behind her observing her reaction. "I'm guessing you like it Ms. smith?" Arna snapped out of her trance and looked back at Steve. "Like it would be an understatement I love it! I mean look at it look at the curtains and the decor and the couch and the-" that's when Arna instantly stopped and turned to the bed. She walked over looked at it touching it and feeling the fabric in awe. "Well I should get prepared for Mr. Hunters arrival I'll leave you too it." Steve said smiling and walking out closing the door behind him. Arna didn't turn around she was still in awe of whatever it was. Once she heard the door close. her clothes instantly slipped off.

Arna took a sigh and closed her eyes though it wasn't her home or her room. She felt at peace she She caressed her skin and held her body in her hands. As tears fell onto her cheeks, Arna was about to climb into the bed until a knock on the door stopped her. She jumped a little quickly putting  back on her clothes. "Coming!" She yelled. Running to open the door she was out of breathe. There stood a girl with curly brown hair and pink cheeks and wide eyes. "Hello Ms.smith I have been instructed to lead you to the dinner table." The woman smiled. "Uh yea let me just get." Arna looked back. "Now." The woman spat. Taking Arna back. The woman then proceeded to walk away making Arna follow her. The woman walked in front of Arna at a fast pace as Arna tried to keep up. The walk was quiet and awkward. "M..Mmy name isn't  actually Smith I would like it to be Isa if that's ok?" Arna asked.

"That's not what I was told." The woman spoke. Shutting Arna down. "So what's your name?" Arna asked not getting any answer out of her.  "Excuse me!" Arna yelled as she stopped walking. The woman seemed annoyed as she turned around. "What!" She snapped. "I was wondering if there's a restroom near here?" The woman sighed and looked up at Arna, Arna seemed to get ok her last nerve which was weird because she has just met her. Arna of course didn't think much about it. "Straight. Left. Then right." She huffed. "Thank you."  Arna turned onto her heels and went to where she was told.

Wesley just walked into his home  with Steve beside him. the woman turned to him and smiled at him with hope in her eyes. "Hello Mr. Hunter." She smiled. He glanced at her and walked past her like she was nothing. Something he has been doing for the 3 years. She put her head down as her eyes began to get teary. As she heard his footsteps get more and more farther. She then felt a hand on her back as she looked duo Steve smiled down at her. "Don't lose hope rosy one day he will change." Steve said. Rosy have a half smile. The boy she once loved has turned into a cold miserable lonely man. "Hopefully." She whispered to herself.

Arna has been walking in this building for the past 30 minutes. She has to be going in a circle at this point. This home is nothing like the apartment Sandra and Arna shared it was very easy to navigate but this..this is a maze!  Something then caught her attention a cracked open door that could be the bathroom she thought. As Arna opened it a little more it definitely wasn't a bathroom. It was a mini library looked like a office.  it has a vintage desk and so many books and papers. The place seemed so nice and wholesome. Arna walked in she had to be quick though Ms. grumpy pants might yell at her or worse tell Wesley.

Once she got to the desk she knew she had made a huge mistake. Newspapers That read "SOUTHERN BOY KILLS FAMILY AND HELP."  "BOY BURNS HOUSE DOWN WITH MOTHER INSIDE."  "SOUTH GHOST KILLER TURNS OUT TO HE TEN YEAR OLD."  Arna knew these were all about him as she began flipping through the pages. Then she saw book called "KILL LIST." she instantly  took it and flipped through it fast trying to find her name. Lord knows that man has been planning her death. Of course Luca was the first name. That's when she heard footsteps and loud ruckus coming. "Fuck shit fuck shit!!!!"

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