Chapter 40

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After putting down Wesley's coffee and bag the best of her ability , before he got into his office. Arna wondered why he wasn't in his office and heard some men laughing and bickering. When she took a peak out of the office to see none other then Andrew Willis and Wesley chatting it up. Arna moved back a little to make sure she wasn't seen. How could he be so positive and happy looking at his...prey like the animal he was. "Yes I'll talk to you soon drew." Wesley cheered happily. Drew..absolutely disgusting! Arna felt a pit in her stomach. She wanted to throw up. Wesley was walking close to the office Arna quickly fixed her posture. Wesley walked by her glaring at her then stopped for a brief minute to stare at her cast and laughed to himself. Arna frowned then closed the door to his office. "Asshole." She whispered to herself.

She turned to the left to see Andrew slowly walking towards the elevator. "Mr willis!" She called as the elevator door was slowly closing he put his hand through it to hold some time for her to catch it. "Hurry! Hurry!" He smiled. she found herself slipping into the elevator with him. Arna was out of breath already. She turned to the tall man with a combover and piercing brown eyes. "How's it going? Anna right?" He pointed to her. Arna was still catching her breath. "Uh no it's Uhm Arna actually Mr.Willis." She said. "Oh please call me Andrew! Or drew for short most people say." He chuckled. He was such a kind man, how could he make Wesley so angry to the point where he wants to kill him. "I wanted to ask you if you ever considered a vacation." Andre stared at Arna for a second before bursting into a loud laughter. "Ha ha this is my vacation...hmm no I never thought of a vacation haha." He sat and thought for a moment. "I guess I love my job to much right?" He smiled. "How about paris? Or Italy?" Arna convinced. "Hmm that does sound good." He rubbed his beard. "Great! What about a month?!" Arna exclaimed. "Woah woah we're getting ahead of ourselves." He said smiling again. "How about me and you?" Andrew budged her and winked. Making Arna pause . The elevator opened and Andrew walked out pointing at her. "Talk to you later eh?" Arna halfed smiled as the elevator slowly closed.

Ew. Arna looked at the elevator buttons and realized it said 12. Arna tried to change it but it was far to late she was already there and the elevators door opened. She saw the back of a familiar back it was Leo. Arna ran out of the elevator to chase him and grab his shoulders. "Leo!!!" When Luca turned around smiling at her maliciously she stepped back appalled. "Disappointed?" He said. "Sorry i thought." She scratched her head and looked down. Luca looked down and pointed at her cast. "What happened here?" He touched. Arna moved it away quickly still looking down. Luca looked at her. "Have we met before?" Luca asked. Arna shook her head no. "Hmm weird." Thats when Mr. Betto came out of his office. "Luca you are far to loud!" He grumped. Mr.Betto then paused and smiled a warm smiled. "Ah you must be Arna smith! My grandsons assistant, I've been wanting to meet you!" He held his hand out and smiled again. Arna's eyes became a different shade of brown. As she hesitated to shake his hand. "Hi Mr. Betto it's a pleasure to meet you!" Arna replied. "Ahh lets not
Talk in this hallway come into office! If you have time?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Uhhh." Arna looked at Luca. And he had this look on his face that read. "Don't you dare decline." She looked back at Mr.Betto and smiled. "Yes of course!" She exclaimed. Mr. Betto turned to lead the way to his office as she followed and Luca was right behind. They all entered the office that was huge almost the same size as Sandra and Arna's apartment. Sandra...
Mr. Betto walked in and sat at his desk and chair and clasped his hands together as Luca stood leaning on a desk. Arna stood infront of Mr.Betto .

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