Chapter 63

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Wesley turned to Ada to see her staring at julio's body still on the stage. "julio." she whispered. it was her first time seeing him in a long time and there she was staring at his lifeless body. Ada walked towards him and bent down and closed his eyes. "you're with her now." she whispered. "Wesley!" the both of them looked over to see who it was and it was Aaron holding a bloody Rachel in his arms tears falling down his face. Wesley's eyes widened and immediately jumped from the stage to meet them. Aaron laid her on the wooden floor as Wesley took off his jacket to wrap it around Rachel. Ada got up, she didn't know what to do. "ADA CALL 911," Wesley yelled. you can hear the horror in his voice. Ada immediately ran to go and find a nearby telephone. Ada began crying, overwhelmed at what has just happened, she ran crying and panicking. "help! Help!" she said still trying to talk to the people that were still panicking and running out. pushing her down on the ground she got back up crying. "only to live a life of misery and hardships and gave it to those around them."

Wesley opened her dress up to see her body full of stab wounds blood spilling out. "no, no, no! Rachel! come on don' die on me!" Wesley said crying loud. "some man just came and was looking for you, Rachel didn't let him in and he just went crazy!" Aaron said wiping his eyes and crying uncontrollably. "Rachel! come on!" Wesley then began to do CPR, on her chest over and over. over and over as his tears poured onto her skin which was slowly turning pale. "s..s..stop" a weak voice spoke. Aaron moved closer to her as he held her hand so did Wesley. "Rachel please just hold on a little longer help is coming soon! please jus-" he cried. "n..nn..noo." she said. "please Rachel I swear I'll do anything! you can live with me, you can do whatever you want I'll take you to all you're auditions, please! please! you can't leave me, you can't leave us!" Aaron cried out. "'s o..okay." she tightened her hands on wesley's and Aaron's as much as she could. "you guys are the that have ever happened to me." she said as a tear fell unto her cheek smiling. "I..I die with the people i love, hu...nks, d..doesn't get an..y better..than..that." she smiled. "Rachel.." Wesley said as tears streamed down his face. " guys." That was the moment Wesley knew he had lost his best friend. He sat back and became numb to the same feeling he felt as a child. "Rachel?!, Rachel?! NO! Rachel?! wake up!" Aaron said with a wet face repeatedly shaking her over and over. Just then the ambulance rushed in to assist the two bodies in the room. Ada came right behind them out of breath. when she looked over and saw a hysterical Aaron screaming and crying. And a frozen Wesley staring out into space. she knew what had happened..she was too late. Ada's knees buckled as she was on the ground crying. "I'm so sorry Wesley."

later outside there were many cops and ambulances. people were outside explaining what happened to reporters, observers wait outside to see what has happened. Wesley and Aaron stand on the side of the ambulance as they watch Rachels's body covered with a white sheet. before her body is put in the ambulance Aaron touches it and closes his eyes as tears still fall onto his cheeks. He then removes his hand and lets them take her in. the two men stand their bags empty. Wesley looks don't at Aarons's hand and see a wound. "you should get that checked out." Wesley says. "yeah." that was all that came out of his mouth when he began walking away. Wesley knew that would probably be the last time he sees Aaron for a long time or forever. Wesley wipes his eyes.

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