Chapter 39

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After that night Karla and Leo decided to visit Arna.
Leo had informed Karla about what had occurred and Karla didn't waste any time before being there the first
Thing in the morning. Arna has sustain injuries such as bruises to her body and arms and a very visible black eye. "Sooo let me get this straight you went into
His office thinking it was a library but by the time you realized it wasn't It was too late?" Karla asked standing at the door. "Yup" Arna said. Karla looked at Leo then sighed. "Maybe we should take you somewhere else Arna-" before anything Arna jumped and blurted out.
"No! I like it here!...I mean..I..I want to stay." Leo and Karla both looked at each other. "Arna no offense but you in a cast." Leo spoke. Arna looked at herself and looked back up. "I know but it was my fault this time I
Walked into the wrong place." Arna said. "But you got beat up with an inch of your life!" Karla exclaimed. "I know!" Arna said. "Wesley hates your guts." Leo spoke "I know!" "He has no control." Karla spoke. "Look i know!!" Arna yelled. "I'm not a baby or a child I'm a grown woman who can take care of herself! When will you guys learn that!" Arna yelled. "We know but we're just trying to protect you Caro" (darling) Leo said.
"I don't need your protection." Arna mumbled.

"We're sorry Arna." Leo said. Arna turned to the window. "I want to talk to Karla." Arna spoke. Karla moved forward and Leo watched. "Alone." Arna spat. Leo and Karla looked at Each other as Leo nodded and walked out of the room. Arna waited to speak after hearing Leo's footsteps walk away from the door. Karla sat down next to Arna. Arna turned to face Karla and began whispering.  "When I went into that office I found a book that said kill list it only had a couple of pages and I wrote them all down in my hand then when I had the time I wrote it in a notebook." "Why would you do that?!" Karla screamed whispered. "Let me finish." Arna interrupted. "One of the names that was next to being crossed off was Andrew Willis."  Arna looked at Karla's face trying to read it but there was nothing. "So." Was all Karla said. "What do you mean!...what do you mean so" Arna exclaimed. "It's none of our business Arna." Arna couldn't believe it. "Did you not hear what I just said! Andrew Willis one of the "big dogs" one of our coworkers who works at the company and a  man with a wife and kids! Is on the hit list of that psychopath!" Arna said. "And I'm telling you it is none of our concern Arna." Karla said. Arna squinted her eyes at Karla.

"Are you even real?" Arna said. "Are you trying to get killed?!" Karla said. "Are you telling me right now we're just going to let an innocent man die?" Arna said. "How do you know he's innocent?" Karla asked. Arna was silent. "Exactly it's not worth your life over trust me!" Karla reassured. Karla got up and took a peek in the mirror. Then began to head out. "Arna for your safety and for my sanity get rid of that list." Karla left and closed the door. Arna sighed and stood up and walked over to the mirror. She looked at herself all
Bruised up and beaten but as she looked more closer she could see her self smiling it wasn't a happy smile but a sinister smile. Arna moved back tumbling on the floor startled at what she saw. Then touched her face.
"I need some sleep, I have work tomorrow."

Leo was talking to Wesley as Karla
Walked into the living room. "She should of known better Leo." Wesley said taking a sip of his glass.
"I know Mr.hunter but she's new to these things she doesn't know much." Leo tried to reason with Wesley. "She's lucky I gave her a warning." Wesley laughed to himself "You almost fractured her eye socket which could of resort to blindness doesn't sound like much of a warning." Karla spoke up catching Wesley's attention.  "Well look who decided to join us Lucas bitch."  Wesley smiled. Karla rolled her eyes. "I can't do this see you tomorrow Leo." Karla grasped her bag from Steve and began to leave the home. Wesley shrugged.

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