Chapter 27

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Arna looked at him wide eyed and nodded. She was willing to do anything to be honest as long as she didn't lose this job. "You can suck my dick."  she changed her mind. "Or your friend Sandra can get fired instead." Oh boy yea he was right. She wouldn't do that to Sandra I mean thinking about all the stuff Sandra has done for her. She stole Sandra's job and now she's going to get her fired from her previous job all because she can't behave! Arna sighed to herself and put her hands on her head. She couldn't believe what she was about to say. " option 1 better Mr.Hunter." The way she said it made his pants grow tighter. Wesley smiled and eyes her. "Good choice."
He winked at her. But Arna was not in a winking mood what she was about to do was going to be the most degrading  thing. Arna stood up and walked towards the desk Wesley was sitting in.  Wesley got up excitedly making Arna look at him. "I want to stand for this." He smiled.

That was a very rare smile. It looked very genuine and happy his dimples showing and a light in his eye. Arna looked up at him for a second his eyes catching hers. But his eyes was filled with hunger and lust while hers were filled with fear...or something else. "What are you waiting for?" Wesley harshly spoke. He pointed his eyes to the ground and Arna caught on. She gulped then slowly dropped to her knees. "Take you shirt off."  He demanded. Arna slowly looked up then looked back down slowly buttoning her top off. "Hurry the fuck up don't waste my time!" Wesley raised his voice. "Ok ok." Arna removed her white button down top and out it on the chair. Wesley was waiting for arm to zip his pants down but at this point she was acting stupid and slow so he just unbutton his pants and pulled it all down in one go making it pop out in Arna's face. Arna loudly gasped covering her mouth.

It was very sudden. Wesley frowned down at her getting a hint insecure at the way she looked at his dick. "What?" He asked. "Nothing it's just...big." She mumbled to herself. Huge ego booster for Wesley he smiled to himself. "We'll get to it." Wesley said. "Yea of course." See now Arna has never done this she only done this once in college and that was only because Sandra and her friends pressured her too. But obviously she wasn't good at and vowed to never do it again! But her she is now about to suck the Wesley Hunters dick! She could take it extremely slow in hopes he'll hate it and just stop the whole thing but that leads to the bigger risk of her getting fired and him getting rid of her. Or she can just suck it up and get it over with. Arna  closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and exhaled.  She opened her mouth and tried to fit as much as she could.  Arna began to lick all around it.

Making Wesley's eyes  close as he put his head back.
Wesley's head then propped back up looking down at Arna sucking as he began unbuttoning his shirt. Arna removed her mouth a little. Pre-cum was already leaking out of his dick . Arna then put her mouth back on it sucking sensually as she looked up at him she caught the eyes of Wesley. She felt his dick twitch a little. "Shit." He hissed. It felt far to good her mouth felt incredibly good. Arna began to get into a rhythm as she bobbed her head up and down on his dick. Feeling it twitch more and more. "God." Wesley moaned. It was too much for him Wesley pulled a chair and sat as Arna continued. Arna kept going faster and faster the more she was pumping Wesley felt his  dick becoming more hotter. "Wait, wait." Wesley said trying to remove Arna's head. But Arna was lost in the moment trying to get this over with where she didn't feel his touch or hear his words.

"Wait." Arna kept sucking him. Where Wesley hands was shaking. "Ahh." He said as he felt himself release in her mouth. "Fucking bitch!" He said pushing her back. Arna fell back at the push. Wesley immediately got a towel. "I told you to fucking stop!" Wesley yelled at her. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you." Arna apologized. "Get the fuck out!" Wesley yelled at her. As Arna was trying to leave Wesley asked her a question. "Are you a virgin?"

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