Chapter 47

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"Yea,yea, honestly thank god! Karla isn't a fucking superhero cause you know what! We would all be fucking doomed!" Arna yelled. Karla crossed her. Karla crossed her Arna's and laughed and looked at Leo in disbelief. "And honestly if you don't want to save people or keep them safe, I will do it myself!" Arna said. "Oh really! And how would you do that captain Arna?" Karla said sarcastically. "Real funny Karla! Real funny but I have the kill list!" Arna said. Karla's eyes widened and so did Leo's. "Wait is she talking about?" He asked. "Wesley's kill book yea.. I told you to get rid of that!" Karla yelled. "Yup! And for you to think for a second that me a kind hearted person will sit there and watch another person's innocent life be taken away is crazy!" Arna said. Leo walked forward to Arna. "I need you ti give me that right! Now!" He held out his hand.

"She doesn't have it, she just wrote it down somewhere..she probably has it memorized at this point." Karla stared. "Oh fuck off leo!" Arna flipped him off. "Oh fuck off leo? Really Arna?" Leo said. "Yea fuck you!" Arna said. "Oh come one Arna grow up!" He frowned at her. "Grow up? Grow up? Really? Leo? The guy who would watch me get killed then cry about it later? The little bitch who Wesley would ask to jump and say "how high signore." She mocked. "Arna!" Karla called. Leo smiled. "No it's fine she just trying to get to me but she can't." Leo smirked. "You are just as bad as him and neither of you realize it. I bet.." she walked up to Leo "you assist him with his murders like the sick, twisted, man you are." She whispered to him. "Sei stupida ragazza (you silly girl) you have no idea how many times I've saved your life! How much I prevented you from being in that fucking list! How many times, WE went above and beyond to make sure you were ok! How many times me and Karla made sure you were comfortable. We are trying to save your ass while risking our own and here you come yelling at us for something that is out of our control!!! Do you ever think for a moment and say to yourself! Hmmm I'm pretty sure if they could they would!

Do you ever check in us and see how we are doing? Arna not once have you considered my feelings! Everyone I make one mistake I must get ready for your wrath when Me and Karla were the only ones who have been kind to you and stuck beside you tuis whole time! You are allowed to make numerous mistakes! But if you see us making one we are the bad guys! This job is LIFE or DEATH. And here you are calling me a bitch because I choose life." He said. Arna stood there staring. She didn't have anything to say really, he was right. They were right. Here she was blaming everyone but the one who actually did the killing. The one who held the power. Wesley hunter. What was wrong with her.

Arna went up to Leo and hugged him. As she broke down crying. "Your right, I'm so sorry." She said sniffling. Leo was speechless he felt bad for what he said. Maybe he was too harsh, she just kissed her friend and now this...she is still grieving. "I don't deserve any of you." She cried more. Leo put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "You do Arna it's ok I understand. I get it." Leo said as tears were streaming down his face as well. Karla stood to the side as she too was wiping tears. She slowly walked up the both of them and joined in on the hug. As all three of them cried into each other. "We love you Arna, just know that." Karla whispered. "I..I..I love you guys too." She whispered back.

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