Chapter 66

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Ada held her cheek as she stumbled back, looking back at Wesley with widened eyes as if she has seen a ghost. As she looked at Wesley he looked pale as a ghost but his eyes were dark blue and filled with rage. a look that can kill... literally. before Ada was even able to speak anymore she was pushed onto the ground. "Wesley!" she screamed out. "shut. up." he grunted out yanking Ada's hair in his fist forcing her to look at him. "you killed Patty? why?!" he screamed at her face. " she killed Rachel." Wesley instant slapped Ada another time she fell back onto the marble floor, she stayed down as she stared at the little droplets of blood on the floor from her nose. "did I fucking tell you to kill?! Did I tell you to do any fucking thing?!" he shouted again his voice echoing through the home. Wesley walked towards her. "Luca is getting a divorce because of you! you're ruining a family that you told me to stay in? does that make sense to you Adamma?" Wesley squinted his eyes in confusion. Ada continued to look at the ground staring at her blood on the ground. "you just can't do anything right can you?" Wesley bent down to her level and mumbled "Stop killing..just stop.. no more." he got back up and walked away. Ada stood there and watched him walk away as tears fell onto her cheeks. "she was my friend too." she whispered to herself.

Just then the doorbell rang. Ada stood up finally after trying for 5 minutes, she limped over to the door to reveal a breath, Karla. Ada immediately turned her head to not let Karla see her bruises. "what the fuck do you want?" she snapped at Karla. "Hello, Mrs. Hunter is your fiance home? I have a few things to discuss with him concerning Luca," she spoke. 'Ada didn't say anything more to her but opened the door wider as she walked to the side. Karla stepped inside as Ada pointed to the right still hiding her face and having her back turn. "thank you." Karla said as she was about to walk she stopped and looked at Ada for a moment. Did he do that?" Karla asked. Ada ignored her as her back was turned and tears coming out of her eyes she walked away. Karla proceeded down the hall to Wesley's bedroom, Karla couldn't lie this place looked like a complete ghost town compared to the last time she was there. As she approached the door she took a deep breath and knocked. "come in!" Wesley yelled. Karla walked in and closed the door as Wesley's bedroom was dark, with a low light. "Mr. Hunter it's Karla I'm here for Luca he wanted me to relay a message," Karla yelled thinking he was in the bedroom. Wesley came out of the bathroom wet with no shirt on and a towel wrapped around his lower waist dapping his face. Karla's eyes widened at the sight of him, she didn't know what to think. Wesley looked at her cocking an eyebrow at her expression. "I already know what happened to Luca tell him I'll talk to you later but I have to talk to you," Wesley said. Karla's mouth hung open and her eyes widened "mm.. me?"

"yeah if that's fine with you?" he asked. "please," he said pointing to the bed and asking her to sit on it. Wesley moved closer to her and sat next to her and took her hand in his palm. "Karla I just want to apologize about the comment I made that day at the funeral in the car." he looked into her eyes. Karla was still baffled she couldn't believe she thought she was dreaming, Is Wesley Hunter apologizing to her? "Rachel's death made me think a lot about my wrongdoings and I would like to start a new chapter in life but I know it starts little by little so I wanted to start with you." Karla had tears in her eyes as she looked at Wesley. "thank you, Wesley." she looked down crying. Wesley took wiped a tear on her cheek as Karla turned and looked at him. "you shouldn't cry your to pretty for that." he smiled. it was quiet and the both of them looked at each other. both of them inching towards each other for a kiss.

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