Chapter 51

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Arna found herself in the bar, she needed to suppress the memories of what she just saw. She just couldn't,
Just couldn't get it out of her head. Why the kid? Why the girl? She so stupid! She just had to open her mouth she was the cause of that girls death. Why? Why? Arna just kept in drinking. Sandra,Andrew and now this fucking shit! How much more can she take.  "More,More,More!" Arna yelled at the bartender. A man behind the bar came up to her, "hey I think you had a little to much, maybe you should give it a rest?"
He suggested. Arna looked at him then pulled him by the collar, as he tried prying her hands off of him. "Maybe you should shut the fuck up!!! Huh? What about that?!" She yelled in his face. "Hey, hey get off of me!"

Just then Leo came and grabbed Arna, trying to get her hands of the guy. "Hey, hey, Arna." Leo said carrying her off and away from the bar.  Arna forced herself off then elbowed him away.   "Get the fuck off of me you bitch!" Arna yelled. "Arna your drunk." Leo said. "And your a pussy, Can't protect yourself and can't even protect others!" Arna pointed at him. "Arna let's go."  Leo pulled her away. "No!"  Arna took her arm away from him. "Get a grip Arna your making a scen..." just then a harsh slap was hit on Leo's face as he turned and held his cheek. They were both met with silence.  Arna walked up to Leo. "For the last billionth time That's not my fucking name!!! And You tell that son of bitch, that if I can survive death! I can survive anything! You don't know me leo  so don't you ever act like you do! Im leaving, and don't even think about following me!" Arna said walking away out to the exits of the club.

Leo looked around in a panic then began to go find Wesley. Wesley was at the Table with other men holding cards in his hand. Leo stood there talking his foot out of impatience. "Mr. Hunter sir I need to talk to you?" Leo said in urgency in his voice. "Leoooo, can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" Wesley sang.
"Yes but."  Leo moved forward to lean down and mumble to Wesley. "It's Arna sir, she's gone! She freaked out I think she drunk she told me tell you that if she can survive death she can survive anything." Leo words sound like beats hitting to his heart. For a moment Wesley's heart stopped, he turned to Leo and a tear fell from his eyes and a half smile. Wesley abruptly stood up and dropped the cards. Then ran out  of the club. "Mr. Hun..." Leo called out.

"I'm telling you Laura it's more then a wedding it's your bonding, you and Eric haven't had sex since like what since you were teens?" Shelli said speaking on the phones. "No, no, no I'm telling you need to prep the dress of course, then the the cake cakes are the most important, let me tell you when me and jake got married it was a major success because the cake make did a excellent job I'll send you his number." Arna walked in bare foot the house was spacious. She looked at the pictures of the couple. Arna stepped into the living room as she laid eyes on the record player and went to the shelf and put a record on. Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been.  Arna smiled to herself as a tear rolled down her face. Lives in a dream. "No Veronica cannot be there she is legit his ex! She'll fuck it up!" Shelly exclaimed. Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door. Just then jake comes out of the out of the bathroom leaving the room until Shelly calls him. "Where you going?" She said mid conversation.
"Hungry." He says. Who is it for?

Arna could hear footsteps coming down the steps. She didn't even bother to hide. Jake walked into the kitchen and heard the music playing. Turned on the light and saw her standing there. All the lonely people where do they all come from? Jake jumped a little bit and held his heart onto his chest. "Hello? What are you doing in my house?!" He said. He was met with silence as arm just stood there. All the lonely people. "Hello! I asked a question!" He said getting angry. There was then nothing but silence once again. "That's it I'm calling the cops you coloreds sure have some audacity." He said going to the phone. Where do they all belong?  As his back was turned Arna walked up to him and slashed  his neck as well as stabbing his back.
Father McKenzie writing the words of  a sermon that no one will hear.  "You people are all the same." She said.

As Arna began to walk upstairs. No one comes near. "I mean your mother should be very important, but like what about you father they may be divorce but you have to find a way to give both of them they're shine ya know?" Shelly said looking in the mirror. Look at him working darning his socks in the night, when there's no body near. Arna began checking all the rooms to see if anyone else was there, how could a couple have such a empty home. What does he care?  "If you bring that Indian there I won't go I swear I won't go!" She protested. All the lonely people, where do they all come from? Arna then arrived at the door that has a gold light around it she could hear Shelly talking and laughing. All the lonely people. "What in the world is taking this man so damn long!" She complained.  Arna then turned the door knob to walk in. Where do they all belong.

Mean while Wesley was spreading through traffic. Not caring about anything all he needed to do was get to his destination. His heart was beating so fast  and his breathing has changed, he hasn't felt this rush since...Ada.  "Ada" he whispered. Ah look at all the lonely people

Arna opened the door as she was revealed to Shelly on her bed with the telephone in her hand. Shelly instantly looked up and wide eyes. "Laura I've got to go I'll call you a little later." Shelly hung up the phone. "Hey I know you, you're . Hunters assistant."  She pointed. Arna stood there not making a sound jsut staring at the woman. "But why are you in, did my husband let you in?" She questioned. It was once again silence. Elenor rigby died in a church and was buried along with her name.  "Uhm ok just stay right there, I'm just going to lean in and grab the..."  before anything a knife was stabbed into her chest bleeding Shelly plopped onto the floor bleeding out. No body came.  "Why?" Shelly managed to cough out.  Ada began to cry. "It's ok , ada." Wesley said , in the door way watching shocking her. Wesley took out his gun and shot he in the leg.  She  instantly fell onto the ground but she didn't even flinch. This will only take a minute. Wesley took out a white handkerchief and held it to her face and he head,  She fought a little bit it was quick. Father McKenzie  wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave. "Good girl, I'm going to bring you home now." He smiled to himself, as he carried her and walked out of the bloody horror.  And into his car. No one was saved.

All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they belong

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