13. Contracts

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After somehow spending my two hours it's finally time for twins to get up. I head down for the kitchen where I see sel, anz, li, sun and Ni all up with a coffee in their hands. 

"Good morning people." I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"You too didn't sleep?" Li chuckled along with others.

"You too?" I asked but I understood what he meant when I looked at sun, he was also having bags under his eyes like me.

"Well I had a bit of situation there." I replied as I looked for the bottles.

"Has anyone seen the bottles anywhere." I asked shuffling through the cupboards.

"They are here C." anz sipped her coffee. 

"I must've forgotten it here." I walked to the living but was puzzled when I saw the bottles were already ready for the kids, with it filled with formula to the brim.

"Thank You. " I thanked them all because I didn't know who did it and sat down on the couch and cuddled with sun.

"Well you should thank tommo for that." Ni informed and I mumbled a thank you to sun. My eyes started to droop as soon as I cuddled sun. I was not at all feeling sleepy and now I'm on the verge to deep sleep.

"hey don't sleep, you have to workout tommo." Li warned sun and somewhat me. I opened my eyes, stood up and picked up the bottles.

"Wait I'll also come with you, or else he'll make me do workout." he mumbled the last part but I guess everybody heard because we all started laughing.

"Okay okay let's check on the twins." sun pulled me to the twins room while I was laughing all the way, sleep deprivation hits hard.

I fed the kids and laid down on the couch beside sun. I was feeling cold so I wrapped my arms around him under his jacket in the hugging pose.

"suunn." I called and he hummed as to reply.

"I'm feeling sleepy." I yawned and closed my eyes. He pulled me closer to him and zipped his hoodie behind me so now I was sharing his jacket. Soon enough we both fell asleep.


"They're in too deep." I heard tay's voice and I started to flutter my eyes to wake up.

"Sleepyheads get up, the kids are bored because of you both and I got a call from ed asking if there is any possibility you can drop by to record the perfect duet." Haz clapped his hands, he was very annoyingly cheery today.

"Sun tell him to go away." I whispered and cuddled further into sun.

"Go away haz." sun mumbled. as soon as he mumbled that I felt something being kept on us and a small hand opened up my eyelid.

"Naaahhh, you can't do that." I whined complaining as to they can't use the kids to wake us up.

"We can do anything to wake you both up." sel laughed along with others picking up ernie.

"fuck off people let us sleep." sun cursed and inside I was cheering for him to send them away. just then I heard sun shuffle and unzip his jacket and Ni picked me up, making me stand up on my feet. 

"You're a traitor." I accused sun as he zipped back his jacket. 

"let's be practical, you got up now they won't disturb me." sun turned his face towards the couch.

"You're being mean." I whined putting all my weight on Ni. I won't let sun sleep. I jumped on him but while doing that I hurt my already hurt leg.

"oowwwww, it hurts." I cried holding my leg.

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