Chapter 2

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Anastasia's POV~

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Anastasia's POV~

"Hey you" I crane my neck out of the window of my car and shout at the car in front of me. "Move."

I have been stuck in the traffic for at least fifteen minutes now and the person in front of me will not just budge. Neither is he speeding up his car nor making room for me to side step him.

More five minutes are spent like this when the cars start to move. I thank the lord mentally and start the engine.

When I turn the road to my dorms all of a sudden an expensive looking car almost crashes into mine. I shriek out and turn my car sideways at the perfect time.

Good lord! That was close.

If today is my last day then please let me eat my chocolate cake. I do not want to die without having it. I used two hours in making that.

The car rushes past me in a deadly speed.

"Fool" I curse out, furrowing my eye brows, looking at the direction the car went.

I breath out in relief and close my eyes for a second. But my relief is short-lived as a loud noise breaks it.

I open my eyes and the sight in front of me nearly breaks my heart.

A more expensive looking car is before me. We are face to face. The front of the car is smashed into mine.

It is official. Today is 'NATIONAL DEATH DAY'!

But why my car?

Leave him out of this. Just let me get out and then you can run over me. I spent a lot to repair this just a week ago.

"Fucking move" The man in the driver's seat yells at me, waving his hand from his window.

First he takes the wrong turn, crosses the speed limit, slams my car and after breaking all the rules mentioned in the traffic book he is yelling at me.

The nerve of this stranger!

I turn off the engine and stomp out of my car. The condition of the hood is...never mind. I do not even want to start.

I will have to spend my whole pocket money to repair this.


"Are you deaf girl? Move the fuck away." The driver yells again.

I walk up to the murderer of my car and glare down at the driver.

"Why did you do that?" I accuse him.

"What?" He says, looking bored.

"Attempt to kill me?"

"Kill you? Seriously?" He narrows his eyes at me. "I have better things to do."

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