I. an old friend

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valencia stilinski rested her head on isaac's lahey's lap, the music of her own playlist blasting through her headphones as stiles had refused to let her connect the music to his car.

valencia lay peacefully on the ground, looking up at the stars in the beautiful night sky. it was a full moon and although valencia hadn't gained full control yet, she was trusted by her friends to not rip their throats out or fry their brain.

valencia was very powerful, they all knew that. that's why she'd been so high up on the deadpool.

thirty million.

that's what she'd been worth, thirty million. more than any other supernatural being on that deadpool, this caused problems in the group.

stiles being the overprotective brother and not letting her help her friends, scott going out of his way to help valencia with her powers, malia just being happy that valencia would be killed before her, lydia going through hell and back just to make sure nothing happened to val.

but all of it had just made valencia stilinski feel useless, like she wasn't needed.

she wasn't a baby, in fact she was the same age as the rest of her friends. so why were they always so protective of her, did they not think she was capable?

but valencia knew that she was at the top of that list for a reason, for a good reason. and she was going to find out just what that reason was.

a poke at valencia's head brought the girl back to reality. she looked up to see isaac waving his hand infront of her eyes, mouthing something to her.

valencia took out her earphones, realising that isaac was speaking to her.

"honestly i thought we'd lost you, little wolf." isaac joked sarcastically, slowly getting up from the ground and sticking his hand out for valencia to take.

valencia scoffed at him, taking his hand and pulling herself off the ground aswell. "you should know by now, isaac lahey, that i am invincible."

isaac rolled his eyes playfully and the two began to walk back to the jeep together in silence. well other than scott, stiles and liam bickering back and forth.

"it's not that we don't trust you," scott mccall assured the sophomore as he looked for the key to unchain the young boy.

"it's that i don't trust you," the stilinski boy raised his hand from behind his bestfriend scott.

"but after that last full moon..." scott smiled at liam who was attached to a tree for safety reasons.

"it was one slip up." liam basically whispered to the two boys, which the lahey and stilinski girl heard with their werewolf hearing. the two made their way over to the trio.

"slip up?" stiles asked liam dunbar, "a dozen calls to the sheriff's department about a monstrous dog-boy running around the streets of beacon hills naked. that's a slip up?"

"why were you naked?" valencia raised her eyebrows at the sophomore with confusion.

"it was really hot out that night, okay?" the boy lied, valencia scrunched up her nose in disgust, seeing right past the boys lies. "let me go."

"you sure you're okay?" scott asked the boy in concern, not wanting to mess anything up and let liam go in case he got out of control again.

"it won't happen again." liam tried to assure his alpha calmly, looking from between scott to stiles.

"you're in complete and total control?"

liam nodded his head up and down after a moments hesitation. "yeah. complete and total."

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