XXXII. i love you

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"the number you have reached is not in service. please check the number or try your call again. this is a recording."

the cellphone beeped and scott pressed on his phone again the dial the number once more.

"we're sorry. the number you have reached is no in service. please check the number or try your call again. this is a recording."

"scott." valencia said and made her way to sit down beside her bestfriend. she placed her hand on his shoulder as his phone beeped again and the call ended. scott stared down at his phone, his heart aching.

"scott." malia sat down on the other side of scott and looked over at him. "your mum is gone. but she's still alive." malia reached over and turned scott's phone off so that he would stop staring at it.

"what do we do now?" liam asked and bit the inside of his cheek. valencia ran a hand through her hair. she didn't want to call noah, she didn't want to know the answer to wether he was taken or not. she could bare knowing she'd lost her father aswell as her brother.

"we can't hide from them." malia looked down at the kitchen table.

"what about lydia?" liam stood up and walked closer to the table. "the ghost rider was afraid of her."

"it wasn't fear, it's..." lydia trailed off and sat down at the table as liam did too. "almost like reverence." lydia told the younger boy and shook her head.

"it doesn't matter. the rift is gone." scott spoke up after staying silent for so long. the thought of not being able to get his mother back was stuck on his mind. "we're the only ones left in beacon hills."

"oh my god..." valencia mumbled in realisation and her eyes grew glossy. everyone looked at her confused as she looked down and fiddled with her hands. "blake." valencia shook her head. "isaac, zoey." valencia let out a deep breath. "there's so many people... that we didn't think about." valencia covered her face with her hands.

the room fell into a silence as everyone was deep in thought. everyone had different things running through their minds. some people believed there was no way they could get anyone back, the others believed they would find a way.

a knock on the door caused everyone to look at each other in surprise. valencia lifted her head out of her hands and looked at the kitchen door.

her heart dropped as somebody stepped through the door and closed it behind them. the man stepped forwards, causing valencia to rise from her seat and stare at him in complete shock.

"i have a son." noah stilinski spoke up and he glanced between the teenagers but then his gaze set on lydia. "his name is michislav stilinski. but we call him stiles. i remember." noah's gaze then moved to valencia, his eyes growing glossy at his daughter. "when stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. not sure why. it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but uh... the closest he could get was mischief. his mother called him that until..."

noah breathed out heavily and valencia let a tear fall from her eye. noah had already told her that he remembered stiles, but hearing him talk about stiles after so long of missing him, her heart throbbed.

"i remember when uh... when stiles first got his jeep. it belonged to his mother. she wanted him to have it." noah nodded. "the first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch with val in the car. i gave him his first role of duct tape that day. he was always getting into trouble. but he always had a good heart. always. we're here tonight because my goofball son decided to drag scott, his greatest friend in the world, and val, his little sister, into the woods to see a dead body."

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