XXX. lowenmensch

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valencia slowly made her way up the steps of the stilinski house. she placed her hand on the handle of the front door. she hesitated for a moment, closing her eyes tightly and releasing a heavy breath.

after noah and valencia's last conversation, she didn't exactly want to see him. she was mad, upset, confused. he didn't believe her, it was like he was trying to push everything she was saying away. she couldn't understand what he was thinking.

she wanted stiles back, she couldn't see why noah was finding it so hard to believe her. stiles was his son, he should at least want to remember, or try to remember.

valencia pulled the door handle down and pushed the door open. she stepped into the house, it was quiet. more quiet than usual. she could hear a pair footsteps upstairs rushing about. valencia furrowed her eyebrows at the footsteps.

she walked through the living room to the kitchen, looking for either claudia or noah but neither of her parents were there. valencia walked back over to the stairs, walking up them carefully and quietly.

the footsteps stopped and valencia raised an eyebrow, her eyes lighting up an amber, crimson to be safe. she continued to creep up the stairs until she reached a massive hole in the wall, a hole which wasn't there the last time valencia was home.

valencia stopped in her tracks, sucking in a deep breath. valencia stepped out infront of the hole in the wall, spotting a figure on the bed, head in their hands.

"dad?" valencia called quietly, noah instantly looked up at the voice. his cheeks were damp, eyes bloodshot from crying. valencia's face fell into realisation and she let out a sigh of relief, tears building up in her eyes. "dad, you remember... you remember stiles."

valencia walked through door and looked around the room, stiles room. his bed, his crime board where he solved supernatural cases, the clothes he never folded, his lacrosse ball, his photos of the pack and the family.

"i'm so sorry, val." noah's voice broke and valencia immediately stopped looking around the room at stiles furniture. "i should've believed you. but i never thought you were crazy." noah shook his head with tears running down his face. "i have a son."

the room fell into quiet sobs and valencia rushed to her dads side. she dropped onto the bed and wrapped her arms around noah who returned the gesture. valencia rested her head on his shoulder, biting tightly down on her lip to stop herself from crying.

"you told me. scott told me. lydia told me. i don't know why i found it so hard to believe." noah's tears dampened valencia's t-shirt as he held onto her. "but- but i couldn't stop thinking about it and- and i just had this bad feeling, this very bad feeling."

noah started to shake more, his sobs becoming more heartbreaking for valencia to listen too. she rubbed his back comfortingly, her heart aching for her father.

"i have a son..."


"you're going to bite stiles?" lydia stepped forwards, asking scott with an unreadable expression resting on her face. the pack had been awfully quiet since valencia arrived.

after noah had calmed down a bit, valencia had to change shirts, due to hers being soaked in tears. when valencia arrived at the station everyone was in a intense silence and didn't speak a word to the girl who walked in late with red puffy eyes. though, everyone kept their concerned eyes on her.

"to get him through the rift," scott nodded his head after hesitating to answer the question from the redhead. he knew what everyone was thinking, but it was the only good plan he could think of. scott pushed off the wall with a sigh and walked around a desk. "it's the only way."

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