XLV. goodbye valencia

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••• make sure to play the songs i recommended in the last part! •••

june 22nd. a day all supernaturals had marked on their calendars. the day that the only phoenix in the world died. the day that all supernaturals would gather in their groups, packs, families and remember the day that the phoenix sacrificed her life to save their family.

june 22nd. the day valencia stilinski-malin died for her loved ones, for her pack. the day that she had proven to be the phoenix that everyone had waited centuries for. the day of remembrance.

a year had passed since valencia's death, three hundred and sixty five days. a lot had changed in one year. the pack no longer mourned, instead remembered and cherished the memories of their best friend. everyone would look back, and remember the things valencia done to make everyone smile.

scott mccall had moved to los angeles with alan deaton. scott and malia broke up. noah hired derek to be a supernatural consultant for the beacon county sheriff's station.
mason joined the beacon county  sheriff's department.

lydia began to manage an energy company in san francisco. derek purchased a house back in beacon hills. blake continued to live in the argent's old house. liam moved to japan and met hikari.

stiles joined the fbi and he and lydia became long distance. derek, peter, blake and malia bought an auto repair shop. malia and blake began to date. liam and hikari bought a ramen restaurant in japan. malia moved in with blake. isaac and zoey started to date. isaac wanted to move back to france, where zoey joined him.

theo raeken spent a year trying to find himself again. he left beacon hills after the death of valencia. he blamed himself. he wondered if there was anything he could've done to prevent her death. he wondered if he could've been the one to die instead.

he spent three hundred and sixty five days alone. first, he travelled europe. something he and valencia had always dreamed of doing together. it was different, he felt alone. theo had always felt alone in life, but this time it was a different kind of loneliness. it was grief, loss, pain.

theo raeken had never been in love before. he never thought he would ever be capable of love. and then, when he came to beacon hills for blood, he met the love of his life.

he knew from the start that valencia was far too good for him. but just when he doubted himself, valencia showed him how it felt to be loved, and how to love. she showed him how to trust, how to live.

he wasn't sure how she could love someone like him. but she did. and he would forever hold her in his heart. he could never forget the one person who loved him, despite all of his flaws and differences. valencia had a pure heart, everyone who ever knew her was grateful to have her in their lives.

theo was unsure of how to live on without his girl. but eventually, it became easier. the grief and guilt turned into sweetness. he knew that valencia would come back to life and kill him herself if she saw the way he was treating himself.

he knew that valencia would be furious if she could see him, hurting himself over the guilt he held. and he knew that valencia died for him to live on. but he wished it were him instead.

valencia never deserved what she got. she never deserved to die. she deserved to grow old, have a beautiful and loving family, become the police officer she always wanted to be. she was young. too young to die. her life and barely even started.

but theo knew he had to move on, live his life for her, for valencia. and so he did. theo found his own pack. he became the alpha he always wanted to become. every night, he would think about his valencia. he would pray that the afterlife was treating her right.

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