XXXVIII. negotiation

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you know that feeling where you feel like you have failed? the overwhelming feeling that you can't shake as your head tells you that you let everybody down, that you had let everybody down. everyone, at least one in their live, would experience that feeling.

valencia never felt like she failed. no matter how many times her and her friends had thought that they weren't going to be able to save beacon hills this time, and yet proved themselves wrong but succeeding. valencia always knew the pack would push through and do the right thing.

though, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had failed brett and lori, two siblings who deserved the world. valencia cared so much for the werewolves. at one point, they were a big part of her life.

it's normal for people to fade away in your life, but sometimes the love you have for them never leaves. valencia never stopped loving the siblings, she would always care about them and do everything in her power to make sure that they were okay.

but it was too late. valencia felt like she failed them. she watched them die infront of her own eyes. she done everything she could to save them but it wasn't enough. brett and lori died in each others arms that night. brett died, thinking that he was going to make it out alive. and lori died, knowing that brett had died in pain.

valencia couldn't comprehend what happened the previous night. she was so sure that her and liam were going to save them. she was confident that they would be returning home with one another, looking back on their lives together with smiles on their faces.

but the night ended a completely different way, a way that valencia tried her hardest to prevent from happening. she believed that if she had tried harder, maybe brett and lori would still be alive. but they weren't, and she blamed herself for it.

a knock on the door caused valencia to open her eyes. she didn't bother to turn around in her bed, too numb to move her body. the previous night, her friends had practically carried her through her front door and to her bed. noah was concerned for the girl who hadn't left her bed since she was brought home. he'd brought multiple meals up to her room, having to bring them all back down as they went cold.

the door creaked open and slow footsteps made their way over to valencia's bed. someone sat down at the end of it, but valencia still continued to stare at the wall beside her, holding her duvet close to her face to hide her red, puffy eyes.

"val." scott whispered after sitting on her bed for a moment. he understood that valencia didn't want to get out of her bed, but it was the middle of the day and the pack had important things to take care of and scott knew valencia would want to help. "i didn't really know brett and lori." scott spoke for the first time. "not like you did. but i know you."

scott leaned over, gently pulled the duvet away from valencia who finally turned around in her bed and faced the boy. scott felt sorry for valencia, knowing how she would be feeling about what happened

"brett and lori wouldn't want this." scott motioned around at valencia's room, noticing how messy it was. valencia looked around and groaned loudly, knowing she'd have to spend hours cleaning it. "they would want you to save everyone. if these hunters are really going after every werewolf, supernatural. we're going to need you. and whatever we let out during the wild hunt, we need the phoenix."


"you shouldn't have came alone, scott." the new hunter, monroe stated with a shake of her head after explaining the story of why she became a hunter."

"he didn't, bitch." valencia stepped out from another tunnel behind scott, causing monroe to snap her eyes down the tunnel and watch as one of the hunters were thrown into a wall and malia, lydia, isaac and valencia stepped out boldly.

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