XI. stay with me

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the main step of the dread doctors plan had fell right into action.

scott mccall let out a loud roar, making objects in the nightclub shake. his eyes turned a bright red as he whipped out his sharp teeth and his long claws.

scott leapt forwards at the dread doctor and snarled loudly, hitting the metal with his fist and the dread doctor stumbled back slightly.

valencia grabbed a tight hold of hayden's hand and the two girls ran off in a panic, not knowing that not only was hayden in danger but also valencia. valencia stood infront of hayden, keeping a firm hold of her hand while scott and liam fought the doctor.

the two watched the dread doctor throw liam down to the ground onto his back and then go to kneel down and punch scott who quickly rolled over.

the doctor aimed to hit him two times but scott dodged both hits, grabbing the doctors fist and struggling to keep it off his face.

scott managed to send the dread doctor backwards and jump up onto his two feet. scott went to grab ahold of the doctor who swiftly grabbed his head and head butted him which distracted the alpha.

the dread doctor stepped forwards and pushed scott backwards where he hit his head on the wall. while scott was leaning against the wall, the dread doctor turned and began to make it's way to valencia and hayden.

scott ran forward and grabbed the doctors arm and spun him around. scott kicked him across the chest making him stumble yet again. scott kicked his foot up to its chest but before he could push the doctor back, it grabbed a hold of his leg and pushed him backwards.

scott tumbled backwards and landed harshly on his back. he let out a groan of pain and valencia stepped forwards to help but hayden pulled her back, knowing that her powers weren't working like they used to.

"hayden? valencia?" liam called from the other side of the nightclub. valencia went to pull hayden but she didn't move.

"hayden we have no time for messing about if you want to get out of here alive!" valencia yelled at the sophomore, hearing liam's yells for them in the other room.

valencia turned around when there was no response. her mouth fell open when she saw that a dread doctor was holding onto hayden, a needle pressed up to her neck.

valencia yanked her hand away from hayden's and ran forward. before she could get any further, a strong grip on her arms quickly pulled her backwards. valencia immediately felt a sharp pain in her neck, causing her to scream in agony.

"valencia malin. our most important subject of all."

cold hands pressed to the girls neck and she felt her knees begin to give out below her. if it wasn't for the dread doctor tightly holding onto her, she would've already fell to her knees.

valencia could fell the finger tips of the dread doctor, dig into her skin. she opened her mouth but as she went to yell for help, she found no words leaving her mouth.

valencia heard hayden let out a scream and the click of the needle. the dread doctors pulled the needles from out of their necks and the two girls fell to the ground.

valencia heard the painful yell of liam dunbar as a ringing sound filled her ears loudly. valencia's eyes filled with mercury for a moment before going back to their natural green.

valencia could hear liam's footsteps as he ran towards the two girls he cared for so much. tears brimmed at his eyes, he fell down to his knees and placed a hand on hayden's cheek so she'd look up at him.

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