XXXVII. lifeless

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scott began to drive backwards out of the stilinskis driveway. valencia sat in the passenger, humming a song to herself. the jeep came to a very sudden stop and valencia nearly went flying into the dashboard. valencia turned around quickly to look at scott angry.

"what the fuck was that?" valencia asked, receiving no answer. valencia noticed scott looking out the back window of the jeep and so she turned and caught sight of what his eyes were focused on. "lori..."

valencia jumped out of the jeep as soon as she recognised her ex boyfriends sister standing directly behind the car. valencia jogged around the car, stopping infront of the distressed looking blonde. valencia looked her up and down, searching for any wounds or bruises.

"i found this." lori's panicked voice spoke up for the first time as scott came around the other side of the car. "it's brett's and he's missing. and i hearts gunshots." lori told the mccall and stilinski, eyes shooting between them.

"how do you know this is his blood?" scott asked the younger girl, inspecting the pole with blood covered over it. valencia felt hurt looking down at the object, praying in her head that brett was okay.

"because he's my brother, it's mine too." lori told scott, handing him the bloody pole. valencia shared a gaze with scott, a not so pleasant one.

everyone in the pack knew how much valencia cared for brett, despite having broken up years ago. he would always be important to her. they'd known each other since they were old enough to talk.

she had to find him.


valencia wandered around the quiet forest, along with liam, scott, malia, zoey and lori. zoey and liam had appeared out of nowhere, claiming that they wanted to help them find brett.

valencia kicked something with her foot and she looked down at the ground, noticing a phone hidden under the leaves. valencia crouched down picking it up and dusting the dirt off it. "here!" valencia yelled for her friends who all ran up to her, looking down at the phone.

"i think he set a trap." liam said as everyone gathered around valencia. valencia turned on the phone, looking down at the lock screen. it was a photo of him, lori, valencia and a couple of other guys from brett's school all having fun at a party. valencia smiled at the memory before zoning back into reality.

"he's fighting back." scott said and his gaze fell onto lori who looked a little relieved with the news but still stressed out. lori shot forward, pulling an arrow from out of the tree with a grunt.

"but he's still hurt. we need to find him, he needs to know we're here." lori told the group, inspecting the arrow and turning around to face everyone.

"you want the hunter to know we're here, too?" malia asked, looking bewildered with lori who was determined to find her brother before it was too late.

"he's new. we can take him." liams voice cracked slightly and he tried to hide it, failing miserably.

"what if brett howls back?" malia asked, glancing between everyone. "he'll lead the hunter right to him."

"no, we could find him first." scott claimed, tilting his head, feeling confident with himself and his friends. "there's no human that can track sounds faster than we can." scott said truthfully. "and we've got the advantage, we've done this before. we know what we're doing, guys."

lori handed scott the arrow from the tree for him to inspect. "how come i can't catch his scent?" malia asked, watching scott take the arrow.

"he's masking it." lori answered quickly as the arrow got passed over to liam.

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