XXIV. allison argent

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valencia stilinski placed her phone down on her bed beside her. she let out a small sigh, fiddling with her hands anxiously. she found her eyes wandering around her room, looking for something to distract her from her thoughts.

she'd been feeling like something was missing, she couldn't figure out what it was. it was late, a bit too late, but no matter how many times she tried to fall asleep nothing seemed to work.

valencia's eyes landed on a board she had put on her bedroom wall and pinned photos of her and the pack on. she slowly rose from the bed, taking slow footsteps towards the board hung up on the painted white wall.

she smiled as her eyes found a picture of allison and herself. valencia was sitting on alison's lap with a drink in her hand and alison's arm was wrapped around her shoulder, the two giggling at each other. back when everything was good, when everything was normal.

valencia smiled warmly, sliding her finger down the photograph. words would never be able to explain how much valencia stilinski missed allison argent, her best friend, her sister. everyday was just another reminder that she'd have to live without her best friend, and she hated it.

moving her eyes away from the photo of the argent girl, she spotted a photo of her and lydia which the pair had taken not long ago.

lydia was flashing her beautiful smile at the camera, valencia holding her hand on lydia's shoulder and hiding a bit of her face into lydia's bright orange hair.

valencia pushed her hair behind her ear, remembering everything about the photos she was looking at. her eyes wandered from photo to photo. photos with lydia, allison, malia, scott, isaac, liam, and group photos. photos of the pack, her family.

valencia furrowed her eyebrows when she came across the group photos. each of them felt strange to valencia... it was the same feeling she'd been getting all day, like something was missing. like there was something she was forgetting about.

she could see a small gap in most of the group photos, like there was something or someone meant to be in that spot. but nothing was there, it made no sense to the girl.

valencia slowly turned her head, looking over to the drawer on the other side of the room. she took slow steps across the room until she was stood in front of the drawer, staring down at it, she hesitated to pull it open, like she was waiting for someone to stop her.

gradually she pulled it open, revealing a very messy drawer. clutter filled the drawer, pens, paper, random presents from previous birthdays, dirty socks, nail polish, mascara.

but her eyes were only looking at one thing, a small container. the small container that valencia hadn't used in years, the small container that noah had gotten her when stiles was in eichen, when void killed allison, when she didn't sleep or eat for weeks and had nightmares each night.

valencia reached her hand into the messy drawer, pulling out the container of sleeping pills and slamming the drawer shut. nobody was home, even considering the extremely late hour. noah was at work, as he usually was and claudia was 'surprising him.'

valencia jumped onto her bed, pouring some pills into the palm of her hand and reaching for the water on her bedside table. she put the pills onto her tongue, tipping the water into her mouth so that they went down smoothly her throat.

valencia slowly placed the glass back onto the table beside her bed, turning her head so that she was facing the wall infront of her.

"what am i doing?" she whispered to herself, shaking her head. she let a tear slip from her eye and fall down her rosy cheek. she looked down at her hands, picking at the smooth, white nail polish on them.

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