XL. darling

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"wolfsbane." liam held up a small tube, containing wolfsbane. "he was trying to kill them." liam gazed over at nolan who was currently being held by liam.

after sending nolan a threatening glare, to which the boy flinched, valencia wandered away from the pack and she stopped beside blake who was peaking through the window. valencia poked him on the shoulder, causing blake to jump as she startled him.

"fuck." blake ran a hand down his face. "don't do that, val." blake chuckled, leaning against the radiator that wasn't working, courtesy of nolan. valencia stood with her arms crossed over her chest and a raised eyebrow. "oh god, what's that look for?"

"i'm not stupid." valencia shook her head and stared into blake's eyes, making it look like she was staring into his soul. blake pulled a confused face. "you and zoey. i see the way you two look at each other, plus you invited her to live with us. what's going on between you two?"

"nothing." blake immediately claimed, acting like he was clueless. valencia didn't buy his answer for one second. "she's your friend and she had nowhere to go. i thought it would be nice giving her a place to live. plus the house is massive, i could use some company when you're not staying." blake shrugged his shoulders. valencia continued to stare him down.

"blake, you don't have to lie to me. i won't be mad." valencia assured him. "i think it would be nice, i mean you're my brother, she's my friend. you two could take care of each other. plus, you're like really similar. i think you'd be perfect together."

blake paused for a moment, taking in everything valencia was telling him. "wait so... you wouldn't be mad if anything happened between us?" blake asked, to which valencia nodded with a small smile. "okay, well i guess i like her. but i didn't want to do anything because i thought you'd be mad."

"why would i be mad?" valencia tilted her head. "you know i just want you to be happy. and if zoey makes you happy then i'm down for you two to be together. i'm not your mum." valencia punched blake's shoulder and he let out a laugh. "go, shoot your shot. like right now."

blake smiled down at his sister, standing up straight. "okay-" blake began but was quickly cut off by something shooting through the window, breaking the glass beside the siblings. blake grabbed onto valencia protectively, watching an arrow whiz past them and put itself into a wall.

screams erupted in the station and valencia spun around, her eyes scanning the room to make sure everybody was okay and that it hadn't hit anyone, which luckily it hadn't. blake and valencia rushed over to the arrow and malia pulled it out of the wall, taking a piece of paper off the top of it.

valencia looked down at the paper, snatching it off malia. she immediately recognised the picture. "it's brett's number." valencia said through gritted teeth, anger falling across her features. valencia turned, looking at the barricaded door.

"they're trying to rattle us." lydia said and her focus was set on valencia who's breathing began to quicken, her temper getting the best of her.

"well, it's working." valencia turned to the redhead and tilted her head, shining her violent, red eyes.

a scream came from the other room and valencia ran behind noah, following the sound of the scream. "i- i didn't do anything." nolan stuttered in fear from the chair. valencia looked up and her mouth fell open. "i- i didn't even say anything. he just... got up and started putting the wire around his neck."

"get him down." noah and parrish ran over to the strung up police officer who hung down from the ceiling.

valencia crouched down infront of nolan, slamming her hand against the wall. "what the fuck did you do, nolan." valencia asked through gritted teeth. she was already furious, but seeing the man strung up made valencia even angrier.

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