XXI. thank you

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today was the day that valencia stilinski had waited for, for a very long time now. she'd sent scott and stiles her location and told them to meet her there, informing them that she had someone important for them to meet.

she wasn't sure how the two boys would react when she revealed the person she'd been trying her best to hide for a very long time. though, she already had the perfect explanation made.

"will you stop pacing around the room? it's getting very irritating." blake malin complained with a drink in his hand, taking a sip from it and continuing to read the newspaper that he held in his hand.

another thing, valencia had decided against telling blake about what deucalion had said. she wasn't even sure if it was true, she didn't want to get blake's hopes up. he knew their mother, she didn't. but she was going to find their mother, eventually, for blake.

valencia rolled her eyes at her older brother and stopped in the middle of the room to fidget with her hands impatiently, she was really worried about how the boys would react. she hadn't told anybody about blake, it's not as easy as it sounds.

"okay now you're just getting too worked up over this." blake folded his newspaper and threw it onto the wooden table beside his couch. "with everything going on, i think they'll understand why you didn't tell them."

valencia nodded her head and began to pace up and down the room again. blake held his head in his hand, shaking it to the side slightly. blake stood up from his seat on the couch and began walking towards his distressed sister.

blake placed a hand on valencia's shoulder and stopped her from walking any further. "if they really are your best friends i'm sure they'll react just fine. you don't need to worry, you tell them that at the time of our reunion that you were very stressed and far too much was going on. i mean, i did show up at a really bad time didn't i?"

valencia nodded her head with a chuckle before catching blake by surprise, wrapping her arms around his torso comfortably. blake slowly hugged her back, holding the back of her head with his hand.

"thank you, blake." valencia spoke though her voice was muffled as she spoke into his t-shirt. "for everything. you've really been looking after me lately and i'm truly grateful for all of it."

the two siblings pulled out of the hug and blake reached up to ruffle valencia's hair. "don't worry about it, little one. you're about to turn eighteen and you've already experienced a lifetime of trauma and pain. i'm so sorry i wasn't there for any of it, but i'm here now and i'm not going anywhere."

suddenly lights flashed throughout the sitting room, meaning that it was stiles blue jeep. valencia felt her heart rate pick up when she heard the car turn off along with the headlights.

"oh my god, they're here... they're here, blake.
why did i do this? i should've just told them the minute we met again." valencia began to rush out, putting her hand up to her head anxiously.

"remember what i said, you tell them everything, you tell them that there was too much going on and you didn't want to add any more drama into the group." blake told the girl and watched her as she walked towards the front door nervously.

there was a knock on the door and valencia placed her hand on the door handle. she hesitated on opening it but when she did, a very happy scott and stiles appeared on the other side.

"there's my favourite stilinski!" scott exclaimed with a grin and pulled the girl in for a hug. stiles placed a hand on his chest and pretended to be offended, his mouth hanging open.

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