XIX. corrupted

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valencia had practised, and practised, and practiced, until she couldn't practice anymore. literally. she was pushing herself, she knew she was, but there was no time. she had to do this for her friends, her family, for the town of beacon hills.

she collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion, it was late in the afternoon and soon her and theo would be leaving to meet with liam and scott to save mason.

"you okay, val?" theo asked in concern, going to sit on the bed beside her where she was. the girl let out a dramatic groan and ran her hands down her tired face, staring up at the ceiling. "i take that as no."

"i am so tired from practising and i'm scared that i won't know what to do and it'll be all my fault if anyone dies. i'm- im losing it, theo." valencia began to ramble on quickly, shooting up from her spot and sitting with her legs crossed instead. "like what if it comes down to the moment and- and the thing deucalion was taking about, the like person that takes over my body when my powers are activated, what if that doesn't happen? or what if i die? what if i use too much of my powers?"

theo leaned forward, placing his lips gently on valencia's, her rambling finally stopping, making the room go silent. theo pulled away and cupped valencia's cheek with a small smile. "valencia malin. you can do anything, i promise you. i believe in you."

a smile slowly crept onto valencia's face and she nodded her head slightly, pecking theo's lips once again. "thank you, theo. but if you're wrong i will slap you silly." theo held out his pinky for valencia to shake and the girl chuckled. "i feel like a five year old."

valencia wrapped her pinky around theo's and theo pulled it over to his lips, placing a kiss upon them. the two looked back at each other again with smiles on their faces.

"god, you are a such a simp."


"where is he?" scott asked as the four of them made their way through the dark, cold forest in the middle of the night.

"i thought we were looking for him," theo said to the mccall who walked alongside him. valencia walked beside liam, the two not even bothering to speak to one another.

"you know who i'm talking about," scott added with a sigh escaping his lips and he looked over to theo.


"you shouldn't trust him," scott tried to tell theo.

"and you're the one who let him live," theo shot back at the boy but he didn't turn around, he stared straight forward into the misty trees of beacon hills forest.

"i'm not a murderer," scott muttered and valencia let out a scoff to which scott and liam ignored but theo smirked slightly at the girl.

valencia looked down at her arms, feeling goosebumps bumps from the cold temperature of the night. she lifted up her hand and held it over her skin. without even realising, her eyes shone like a bright flame and her skin began to heat up.

though she stopped after a moment of beating herself up, knowing that she needed to learn control over her powers in case they got out of hand. because like deucalion had said, once her powers were activated, it was like a whole other person would take over her body.

"you still think you're gonna get through all this without killing anyone?" theo asked the alpha, looking for a genuine answer.

"i didn't say that," scott muttered back and looked down at the leafy grass below them.

liam stopped which made everyone else stop and turn to look at him. he stared down at his shoes with a frown, "we're close."

"you get his scent?" scott asked his beta to which liam looked up and nodded his head at scott. theo and valencia shared a look as silence fell upon the group of four.

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