XXXI. i promised

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whilst everyone continued to talk with theo, valencia found her mind elsewhere. valencia wandered out of the room, avoiding the confused expressions from everyone else. theo's eyes followed valencia but before he could say anything, she was already out of sight.

valencia walked into the sheriff's office and let out a heavy breath that she didn't know she was holding in. she wandered over to noah's desk, moving around the table to sit down on his chair.

valencia put her head back on the chair and tightly closed her eyes. "the fuck is happening," valencia laughed quietly to herself. she didn't know why she was laughing, but very quickly the laughter turned into tears. she began to cry quietly, covering her mouth to keep herself quiet.

she didn't want anyone to know that she was crying, she was weak. valencia felt heartbroken. everything was far too much for her to handle. she needed her medication, she needed sleep, she needed stiles.

valencia let out a quiet sob and wiped her face carefully so that her mascara wouldn't smudge. the girl slowly lifted her head out of her hands and looked around the room. her eyes stopped on cupboards that she could see on the other side of the room, one of the cupboards were open slightly.

out of curiosity, valencia lifted herself off her seat and felt her feet move towards the set of cupboards. she furrowed her eyebrows, nearing the open cupboard. slowly, valencia dropped down to the floor and opened the cupboard completely.

her heart dropped, inside of the cupboard she found a plaid jacket. valencia reached her hand into the cupboard. she pulled out the jacket and moved her body so that her back was leaning against the cupboard.

valencia lifted the jacket in her hands and admired it. she brought the jacket to her face, smelling the familiar cologne off it. suddenly she felt a strong connection with the jacket. her glossy eyes shimmered.

night in beacon hills was always so quiet, valencia found it peaceful and relaxing. the wind blew slightly, causing a cool, night air. the city was quiet and the children tucked in bed, drifting off to sleep.

meanwhile, scott and valencia were standing on the front porch of scott's house whilst his mother was working. they'd heard strange sounds whilst preparing for their first day of school. scott held a bat in his hand, in case of potential danger. valencia stood slightly behind him with a butter knife.

suddenly something dropped down infront of them and scott began to scream like a woman. he lifted the baseball bat and continued to scream, whilst valencia stood with a hand on her hip, twirling the butter knife in her hand. she immediately recognised stiles hanging upside down off the porch.

valencia watched the two boys scream back and fourth in terror with an unamused expression on her face. she hummed a song, waiting for the boys to calm down.

"stiles, the hell are you doing!" scott yelled in fear, his heart racing. scott lowered the bat, his face full of concern.

"you weren't answering your phone?" stiles answered unsurely. valencia raised her eyebrow, confused to how he was still handing upside down off the roof. "why do you have a bat?" he shrieked.

"i thought you were a predator!" scott threw his arms in front of him in defence. valencia stifled out a laugh at the statement.

"a predator," she chuckled. "if anything he's a little baby." valencia stated, causing stiles to look at her angrily, valencia shrugged her shoulders. "am i wrong?"

stiles chose to ignore valencia and looked back at his bestfriend. "look, i know it's late. but you've got to hear this." stiles held his hands out infront of him. "i saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. a dispatch call. they're bringing in every officer from the beacon department and even state police."

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