V. dread doctors

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valencia stilinski didn't know how long she'd been walking for. rain pelted down on the girl, soaking her hair, her clothes, everything.

her legs were growing tired, she was exhausted from walking and walking. she knew she wasn't far from the raeken boys house, having been there not long ago with stiles and liam, basically stalking him.

every step valencia took, her legs ached and ached even more. valencia went to dig into her pocket for her phone, only to realise she must've left it in her bedroom. valencia let out an annoyed groan, pushed back her wet hair.

finally, theo's house came into view and valencia let out a sigh of relief when she saw his truck parked in the drive way. valencia almost ran across theo's front garden, reaching the door and instantly moving her hand to the door.

valencia balled up her fist, hitting on the door a good amount of times. all lights in the house were turned off, that valencia could see.

it was really late and she knew that, but she had nowhere else to go. she knew that if she went to scott's he would ask too many questions attempt to drive her back home and then there was lydia, well valencia could've gone to lydia but for some reason she found herself wanting to go to theo.

after the talk they had hours ago valencia felt safe with the boy, she knew she shouldn't put her guard down but he really comforted her when nobody else was.

about two minutes later, valencia heard the door be unlocked and the door began to open infront of valencia. a shirtless theo raeken appeared from behind the door, looking at the shivering stilinski girl infront of him.

"val, what are you doing here?" theo asked, his expression changing from confusion to worry. "you're shivering, come here." theo took valencia's hand in his, gently pulling the girl into his house and closing the door behind him.

valencia crossed her arms over her chest to try and warm herself up. theo turned to valencia and looked at the girl with pitiful eyes.

"here, come get a change of clothes." theo pulled valencia along with him into his bedroom and walked over to his wardrobe, letting valencia wander over to his bed and sit on the very end of it.

theo opened his wardrobe and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms for her to wear. theo closed the wardrobe door, slowly stepping over to the very distressed valencia.

theo offered the clothes to valencia who took them in her hands and sent a fake smile up to the raeken boy. theo showed valencia to his bathroom, leading her with his hand on her back.

valencia closed the door behind her, leaning against it and finally catching a minute to just breath. once valencia steadied her breathing, she made her way to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror.

her cheeks were stained red from crying so much, water dripped from her hair after she'd been walking in the rain for so long.

valencia placed the clothes on the counter, taking her time with removing every piece of clothing and putting on the clothes theo handed her.

before stepping out of the bathroom, valencia spared another glance at herself in the mirror. she took a minute to process everything that had happened in the past hour or so.

valencia thought back to stiles, how stressed he look, how his face held a look of guilt. what could he have done that was so bad he couldn't even tell valencia.

she thought back to when she looked down at his blood covered hands. blood that belonged to either stiles or someone else, valencia wasn't sure.

sighing, valencia stepped out into theo's bedroom again. theo sat on he edge of his bed, waiting for the girl to finish in the bathroom. once he realised she entered the room, he got up from the bed.

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