XLIII. all-out war

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"scott?" lydia and valencia's voices called throughout the mccall house. lydia had stayed at malin's house the previous night, along with theo and zoey which was more of a permanent thing now that theo and valencia were together and blake and zoey were in the talking stage. "scott?" they both called out once again after receiving no reply.

"hello, val, lydia." a deep voice greeted from behind valencia and lydia. the two girls whipped around startled, looking at the oldest hale with wide eyes. valencia crossed her arms over her chest.

"what are you doing here?" valencia immediately cut to the chase, not bothering to say hello back to the man. peter placed his hands on his hips and stared at the phoenix.

"looking for malia." peter nodded his head annoyed that he couldn't find his daughter. "what are you doing here?"

"looking for scott." lydia stepped up to the man and stood infront of him with her hands beside her hips.

"obviously." valencia mumbled with a roll of her eyes and she joined lydia's side.

"why?" peter asked urgently, to which valencia raised her eyebrow at how weird he was being. valencia ran a hand through her hair, gazing at peter suspiciously.

"why are you looking for malia?" lydia asked the were-coyotes father, matching the questions he was asking.

peter held his head down and looked around him. "parental concern." he finally answered and lydia and valencia both hummed, squinting their eyes at the reply. "why didn't you just call scott?" peter asked the two girls.

"why didn't you just call malia?" valencia threw his question back at him before lydia could answer it.

"this- we're not..." peter stuttered over his words. "this is- we're not getting very far with this conversation." peter said and held a hand to his head, it beginning to hurt from the very confusing conversation between the three supernaturals.

"we can't reach him." lydia finally answered and pressed her lips into a thin line.

"well i can't reach her, or anyone." peter spoke worriedly. "there's reports that several cell phone towers in the area are down." peter shrugged his shoulders.

"okay..." lydia trailed off nervously. "that's definitely cause for concern." she nodded her head.

"it's more than that." peter stopped lydia in correction. lydia and valencia paused.

"monroe and gerard?" valencia questioned, her face immediately falling at the names of the two hunters. she wanted to kill the pair of them and make it painful for the people they'd hurt and the plan they were creating to take down each and every member of the pack.

"they're cutting us off from the outside." peter told lydia and valencia.

"and from each other." lydia added.

"which likely means that they've already started amassing troops on their side." valencia finished and everyone looked at each other carefully.

"then we better find ours."


"they haven't been here." peter shook his head, sitting up on the counter in deaton's animal clinic. lydia trudged into the room with an unimpressed look and she leaned against the table, whilst valencia stood to the side of the room, testing out her powers which had finally came back to her.

"maybe we should go to the school." lydia rushed out in an evident panic, she was growing worried for her friends. but valencia wasn't, she knew malia and scott could handle themselves so whatever they were doing they were most likely fine.

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