XX. ring of fire

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i highly recommend listening to In The Stars by Benson Boone when the three *** appear...

theo helped valencia walk through the room of the lab. her wound hadn't healed yet and she was still bleeding, having not patched it up yet.

theo helped valencia sit down on the floor and lean against the wall. theo crouched down infront of the girl, placing his hand on the wound. when he took his hand away to let at it, he noticed his blood covered hand.

no words were shared between the two as theo got up and made his way to find some sort of bandage to put on valencia to stop the bleeding.

theo came rushing back and knelt back down beside valencia. valencia nodded when she noticed the look theo was giving her, as if to ask if he should lift her top or not. he pulled up her top to get a good look at the wound before he cleaned it up.

blood continued to drip out of the wound but theo placed the bandage on it, hoping for the best.

theo slowly slid valencia's top down again before he looked up into her perfect green eyes. "you're so beautiful," the boy whispered and moved his hand to put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"okay theodore, don't be going soft on me. we still need to defeat the beast." valencia let out a small chuckle, though she flinched whenever a pain shot up through her body.

theo got closer to valencia, placing on hand just below her face and the other on her neck.
"i can take your pain," theo told the girl who shook her head.

"theo, don't." the girl muttered and stared into his hazel eyes. "i'm fine, i promise."

"no you're not," theo shook his head dismissively at the girl and went to reach down for her wrist. "i've never done this before," theo whispered. "do i just- i just hold onto your wrist?"

theo began to stutter, looking between valencia's wrist and and her own face. valencia watched him panic before she lightly grabbed a hold of his face and brought his lips to her own.

theo took a moment to kiss back, having been panicking seconds before. their lips melted together, and instantly both of them felt more relaxed than before. once they pulled apart, theo slowly moved back to valencia's wrist with no words.

theo held onto valencia's wrist gently, his hands wrapping around it. all of a sudden black veins appeared on his pale skin, beginning to crawl up his arms.

a pain shot up his arms, following the black veins. theo let out a groan of agony, taking all of the pain that valencia was feeling. slowly the veins began to fade away, going back down his arm until there was none left.

theo's eyes scanned his arms before he looked back over to valencia with a small smile. valencia opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by a voice on the other side of the room.

"and then there was one." deucalion spoke, causing both valencia and theo's heads to ship around in his direction.

"what the hell do you mean?" valencia asked confused, furrowing her eyebrows at the blind man.

"corey left, josh's dead, hayden left, tracy's dead, zoey ran." deucalion began to name and valencia raised an eyebrow when he got to tracy and zoey.

"tracy's dead?" valencia asked and her eyes flickered between deucalion and the boy infront of her. "and since when did zoey leave? where is she?"

"you didn't tell her?" deucalion let out a small chuckle, theo looked at valencia guilty.

"i was going to tell you but with everything with the beast i didn't have the time and now you're hurt so there was no perfect time." theo began to ramble on about something valencia didn't even understand.

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