IV. she was everything to me

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she was everything to me

valencia could hear footsteps through the station. she prayed that it was her friends, she had lost so much blood and still hadn't healed properly, it was taking time.

she knew she'd be okay but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't panicking. she knew she'd heal, she knew she'd live through it but with all the pain and the blood she felt never ending worry and stress.

footsteps got closer to valencia, very fast footsteps. the girl opened her eyes when a hand was placed on her shoulder, with blurry vision, clouded by tears the girl could identify theo raeken crouching down beside her.

the girl let out a shaky breath, relieved that someone had finally found them. theo looked down in a panic at the girl's horrific wound then he looked back to her, genuine worry filling his eyes.

the boy couldn't help but feel bad for valencia stilinski, the girl who's life he was going to change very soon. he shook the thought of his plan out of his head, he didn't know why he didn't want to harm the girl, after all she was the key to him and the dread doctors getting what they wanted.

the girl tilted her head to the side, wincing in pain. theo quickly removed his belt, taking it into his hands and wrapping it around the stilinski's stomach over the top of her wound.

theo ran a hand through valencia's hair, admiring her features. valencia could feel the blood in her mouth, the blood on her lips.

"i can stand up," valencia told theo who shook his head in disagreement. he went to speak but was quickly cut off. "help me up, theo." theo hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arm around valencia's waist. valencia put her arm around his shoulder and he helped lift her off the floor.

"let's get you to scott and stiles, val. you're going to be okay." theo reassured her, taking slow steps through the station. "stiles!" theo called for valencia's brother.

scott ran over to valencia and theo, scott immediately went to the other side of valencia and helped theo hold her up.

stiles stood frozen, staring across the room at his little sister. he realised in that moment that he hadn't even checked for his sister, he ran straight to the girl he'd been crushing on his whole life.

stiles didn't even hear the sirens of an ambulance, he didn't even see people run in to take lydia martin and valencia stilinski to the hospital, because he was too busy feeling guilt.


valencia was being brought through the hospital, her eyes shot up and she looked up at what seemed to be a bunch of doctors. she looked to the side to see noah looking down at her, his hand caressing her hair gently.

valencia looked down at her wound which for some reason hadn't fully healed yet but she didn't feel any pain. the girl knew that she'd only be in the hospital for a couple hours, meanwhile her mind went to lydia.

valencia looked back up in a panic at noah. "where's lydia, is she okay? where is she?" noah smiled at the girl reassuringly and took her hand in his, nodding his head to say that she was okay.

liam, scott and isaac burst quickly through the doors of the hospital together, talking amongst themselves.

"tracy was buried?" scott asked his beta in surprise, liam telling him the news of the previous night when they found all the holes in the ground. 

"in a hole, buried alive, crawled out. then we found another hole." isaac lahey told the alpha speedily, the two speed-walking to find their friends and see if lydia and valencia were okay.

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