Chapter 6

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A few hours later Kimmy came around, unaware that she had been moved into her bedroom. Once her vision had come back to her properly, she was relieved that she was alone. Her room was pitch black. As she slowly pulled herself up on her bed, a dark figure moved towards her. Kimmy's breathing quickened as it drew nearer and nearer towards her. She didn't want any more danger. Kimmy was fed up.

A slimmer of moonlight brushed across the figure toreveal its identity. Blood Shot. Kimmy caught her breath in her throat."Finally you are awake. You still look unwell though," Blood Shot said as hewalked towards her. "I've had a rough day. I had some home truths told to metoday. Istill don't think that my body can handle it well, I feel free. But, I also feel weak still," Kimmy unburned onto Blood Shot. Kimmy didn't stop him from coming over and sitting next to her on the bed. Her eyes were glued on to his body. His leather jacket remained open, to reveal his bare chest.

He brought up his right hand to brush her fringe from her face. His tattoo glowed a dark navy blue this time, not green but navy blue. A warm tingling sensation ran through Kimmy's system. "I can see that you can feel, that we have a connection. That there is something between us, something that you can't figure out. We are connected, not by blood though by so much more," his voice was very musical. More shock settled into Kimmy's system, Blood Shot felt her emotions very strongly. He pulled Kimmy into a warm embrace, his arms wrapped around her. He didn't want her to collapse on him, but he didn't know how much he should hold back on the truth.

Kimmy felt a little uneasy, but that emotion quickly disappeared as she was being held in the embrace. Her face nuzzled his chest. She could smell sandalwood and fresh roses on his skin, a warm feeling ran through her. She just wanted to disappear into his embrace, when she was with Blood Shot, he always seemed to make everything better.

Blood Shot smiled and held Kimmy tighter. "I amsurprised that you have allowed me to embrace you and be with you every nightsince we met. As you know that Shadow Stalker and me, were here for onereason," Blood Shot reminded Kimmy. A gasp caught in Kimmy's throat, she hadforgotten how she first met Blood Shot. She tried to struggle against him, but Blood Shot held her tighter. Blood Shot lifted her chin up so she could see his face. Panic had entered her system once more. Had she been tricked, was this part of his plan to kill her? "Don't worry, I am not like Shadow Stalker. I didn't come here to kill you, I have my own plan to follow through. All I want to do is to care for you, and help you. You need to stay clear from Sean though, I don't trust him," Blood Shot explained. "Why don't you call him by his real name?" Kimmy asked softly. A snort came from Blood Shot as soon as he heard the question. "His actual name has King in it. When I look at him, he doesn't look or act like a King. And to me he doesn't deserve it," he replied honestly.

Blood Shot felt the trust that Kimmy had for him. "I can sense that you trust me, I should tell you that you shouldn't trust too many people like you do for me so soon. However, with me it's ok to do this. I never made the vow that Sean made, I couldn't. I'm here to stop Shadow Stalker. I want you to come with me tonight, you will be safe and happier," Blood Shot's voice was sincere.

Too many truths had been brought to light today,her mind became even more muddled. Blood Shot told her not to trust people solightly, but that she could trust him, and he wanted her to come away with him.But, she felt at ease with him, it felt natural and familiar. There was still ahint of danger, which lingered on Blood Shot. The memory of her otherself-entered her thoughts. She pulled out from theembrace, Blood Shot let her go. Kimmy looked into his eyes. His eyes weren't harsh but soft, and possible even capable of love, real love. Confusion and not knowing where to turn, or even if she wanted to be with anyone, or to become the real her, entered her being. "I can't run away with you, or even be with you right now. I don't know who I really am now. It feels like you are trying to glamor or mesmerise me to possible fall in love with you, and turn my back on everything. I've had a lot information to take in today, I need to get my head straight before I do anything. I can't leave Paul alone. I hope you understand," Kimmy decided.

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