In Our New House

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Chapter Forty-One... In Our New House


We sat in the car for what would be our last trip with our belongings from our old home. We had all five kids with us, and Becca was showing off what she'd recently learnt to do really well... My not-so-little Becca had learnt how to read.

"...And just as she reached the cave, she looked over at Ted and smiled," Becca read fluently, running her finger along underneath the words. "Mom, this story makes no sense," she frowned suddenly, and Addy tapped her impatiently on the forehead.

"It's just something your Aunty Jen thought would be the next greatest children's story," I smiled. "She used to make me read it all the time."

"Is that the stupid 'Teddy And Torrence' story she printed copies off for everyone to read like, six years ago?" Cameron asked.

"Yes, and then burnt every copy she could when she wrote that amazing story for her English essay and realised her children's story was... confusing," I smiled bleakly.

"Mommy, where's the caterpillar book?" Becca asked.

"More Becca!" Addy said impatiently.

"No, this is boring," Becca sighed.

"The caterpillar book is in my bag, Bec," I said wearily.

"Can I have it please mommy?" she asked innocently.

"Wait until we stop for lunch, okay," I said, knowing I couldn't pass the book to her.

"Mom, Lily smells bad!" Becca whined, turning away.

"Icky!" Addy laughed, blocking her own nose... well, trying to.

"Uh, I think Lil's diaper needs changing," I frowned, turning to Cameron.

"We'll stop at the gas station up the road," Cameron answered.

When we stopped, I changed Lily's diaper. But just as I put her back into the car, Addy needed changing to. So Cameron took care of that, as Becca needed to use the toilet, and so did I. We also collected some snacks, and took them back to the car to find Cameron changing Ethan's diaper now, too.

"What happened, some sort of chain reaction?!" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kind of," Cameron laughed. "I need to pee, can you put him back in the car please?"

"Sure," I smiled, taking Ethan from the picnic table that we had used blankets to cover and change the kids' on.

"Mommy, can I have the caterpillar book now, please?" Becca asked.

"Hold on, Becca!" I sighed, strapping Ethan into his car seat. Addy sat in her seat in the back, attempting to sing Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne. Had to laugh... half of the words were 'who'.

"Mom!" Becca whined from at my feet.

"Just wait!" I snapped, looking at her. Her brown eyes were staring at me, looking innocent. But I could see the attitude change that was coming.

"Hurry up!" she groaned, and I chose to ignore her.

I vaguely noticed one of the car doors open. I assumed it was Cameron, so I ignored it. I finished buckeling Ethan in, picked up Zane's pacifier and gave it to him, and handed Addy the doll that Becca had stolen from her about half an hour before.

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