16. Picking Up The Pieces

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Chapter Sixteen... Picking Up The Pieces


Emily was almost two weeks old before I was allowed to hold her. When I was discharged from hospital, I spent every day by her side. I held her hand a few times, watched her tiny body move around, and watched as our eyes met for the first time.

She was getting bigger... she was getting better... but she still had a long way to go.

As for the other members of my family? We all survived. Emily definitely had the longest recovery, but Cameron struggled a bit, too. Nathan had to stay to look after all of the kids. Becca escaped major injury after the accident with many bruises but nothing severe. Zane was fine after being released from hospital, and Ethan was lucky he wasn't injured at all. Lily's arm fracture was in a hot pink cast, and Ryder was alright, too.

Rachel was lucky, too. But spent over a week in hospital recovering, with Nathan by her side as often as possible. But he was running two households, which was hard.

Even when everything went back to normal, we'd still have to adjust to a couple of new things.

Emily, of course, was one of them. And it was harder because we weren't fully prepared for her arrival unlike the other kids. And Addy was the other. She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, which meant she had to have insulin injections. Thankfully, Nathan knew a lot about diabetes, and he was helping both Cameron and I adjust and learn how to do it.

Still, I hated it. Addy would have this her whole life.

One night, Cameron and I sat by Emily, who was sound asleep.

"It's gonna be hard when we get home, isn't it?" Cameron said, interrupting the silence and the sounds of the machines surrounding us.

"Yeah, it will," I sighed. "Emily... well, she's so tiny now. She's only two weeks old, and I only got to hold her for the first time yesterday. And then again today... she's still got like, three more months in hospital."

"It will go fast, Rose," Cameron tried to comfort me.

"You know what the worst part is?" I said, ignoring him. "Addy's sick, too. Addy's sick, and we're not even there to help her. We're leaving her with Nathan and Rachel, who can only do so much. I hate it."

"Addy's fine, though," Cameron said.

"No, she's not totally fine!" I snapped. "She has diabetes. She isn't fine!"

"Rose, please," he sighed.

"This is hard," I sobbed. "I have two six kids. Two! Not to mention one that has a broken arm, and another who suffered injuries that could have killed him! It's all too much!"

I sunk to the floor next to Emily's bed. There weren't any other parents in here at the moment, just a few doctors and two nurses who were all writing notes on other babies.

"I hate this place," I sighed. "I want to get out of here. I want Emily out of here."

"It's gonna take a while, Rose," Cameron whispered. "Come on. Emily's sleeping. Let's go get something to eat. We'll go home for a bit. You can have a hot shower, and see the kids. The hospital will ring if anything goes wrong."

One Husband, Two Kids... And I'm Only Nineteen! + My Life, My Love, My KidsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin